MONUC largely contributed to the withdrawal of the insurgent forces from Bukavu

3 Mar 2009

MONUC largely contributed to the withdrawal of the insurgent forces from Bukavu

The United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo was largely involved in the withdrawal of the insurgent forces from the town of Bukavu. MONUC military spokesman, commander Abou Thiam, declared during the UN Mission's weekly news conference on Wednesday.
''The withdrawal was secured owing to MONUC pressure'', Commandant Thiam indicated, underscoring that MONUC Force Commander, General Iliya Sumaïla, took an active part in securing the withdrawal of Laurent Nkunda and Colonel Jules Mutebutsi's troops.

''The Force commander's trip to Bukavu and Goma was part of the efforts for the settlement of the current crisis. He met with General Nkunda to whom he addressed a strongly-worded message'', the military spokesman said, adding that he (Force Commander) clearly notified Laurent Nkunda of his duties and responsibilities vis-à-vis the Congolese population.

General Iliya unambiguously told the Force Commander to complete regrouping his troops under MONUC's supervision and that the return of the loyal forces should meet no resistance.

Commandant Thiam said MONUC was closely monitoring the withdrawal of the dissident forces to ensure that no residual elements remained in the town or its surroundings. Laurent Nkunda's troops are currently in Minova, fifty kilometres from Bukavu, Commandant Thiam revealed.

Referring to the same subject, MONUC spokesman, Hamadoun Touré indicated that MONUC Forces were deployed in the town of Bukavu to support the regular forces, to calm down the situation and to secure and protect the population. Mr. Touré further announced that MONUC has sent an investigative mission to verify allegations of killings, rapes and any other human rights abuse perpetrated in Bukavu.

While applauding the entrance of Government forces into Bukavu, MONUC hopes that in the wake of this new development the Governor and Vice-Governors recently appointed by the Transitional Government will immediately assume duties, Mr. Touré added. He further underscored the need for a new unified and integrated national army to be put in place by the DRC Transitional Government.