MONUC: Over 10,000 militiamen registered in transit sites for disarmament and community-based

3 Mar 2009

MONUC: Over 10,000 militiamen registered in transit sites for disarmament and community-based

reintegration in Ituri

Kinshasa, DR Congo, 13 April 2005: To date, exactly 10,022 (ten thousand and twenty-two) militiamen have been disarmed and have entered into the transit sites protected by MONUC, in the context of the disarmament and community-based reintegration (DCR) process specifically designed for Ituri.
This figure does not include militiamen who have laid down arms but are not yet registered with the transit sites.

MONUC and its partners ' the National Commission for Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (CONADER), the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (FARDC), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) ' welcome the crossing of the symbolic and significant threshold of 10,000 militiamen in the DCR process. This threshold constitutes an important step in the process of returning peace and security throughout the territory of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

MONUC recalls that, if the possibility of adhering to the DCR process expired indeed on 1st April 2005, a certain number of militiamen can, on an exceptional basis, continue to be registered. This concerns those who presented a disarmament plan prior to the DCR deadline, children associated with armed groups or adults whom the UN Mission considers hostages of militia leaders staunchly opposed to disarmament. Also included are those who had displayed, before April 1st, their intention to join the process but were prevented to do so for logistical or other reasons, such as distance, transport or real difficulties in accessing the transit sites.

Furthermore, MONUC calls for the voluntary surrender of ammunition, mines and other explosive devices of any nature, in order to ensure their destruction and reduce the threat posed by these deadly devices to the district.


Media contacts:

-Kemal SAIKI, Director of Public Information ' email : ' phone : +243 81 890 7506
-Mamadou BAH, Spokesman ' email : ' phone : +243 81 890 7706