MONUC escorts FARDC soldiers and their families

3 Mar 2009

MONUC escorts FARDC soldiers and their families

Kinshasa, 10 September 2007. Sunday 9 September, the city of Kichanga controlled by dissidents of Laurent Nkunda was the scene of clashes between its combatants and armed groups comprised of Ex-FAR/Interahamwe (FDLR) and Mayi/Mayi of the PARECO faction. MONUC is particularly preoccupied by the presence of FDLR in the combat zone and the threat their presence poses on the current situation. In spite of the tense climate, North Kivu peacekeepers, managed to evacuate 102 Congolese and their dependants (55 women and 69 children) from Kichanga to Nyanzale at the request of the FARDC.
Throughout the North Kivu province, MONUC monitored the continued end of hostilities between FARDC and dissidents of Nkunda. This situation coupled with the presence of FARDC in the SAKE region should be conducive to an eventual return of the inhabitants that fled ahead of the dissidents' advance on the city. MONUC reminds all parties that this city is under protection of its soldiers who will carry out their mandate and act firmly against threats to the population. In keeping with the reinforcement of its civilian protection capacities, MONUC deployed on 8 September, two additional companies coming from South Kivu.

In accordance with its mandate, MONUC emphasizes that it will continue to defend populations and urban centers where it is deployed with all ground and air assets available particularly for the cities of Goma and Sake.