Elections: Mr. Guéhenno underscores the need for a true political debate among the Congolese people

3 Mar 2009

Elections: Mr. Guéhenno underscores the need for a true political debate among the Congolese people

Elections are a major challenge for the Democratic Republic of Congo, declared the United Nations Under Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, Jean-Marie Guéhenno, in a press conference Wednesday in Kinshasa. Beyond the logistic organisation of the elections, an appropriate context should be created for transparent and peaceful elections, he further said.
The UN Chief of Peacekeeping Operations clearly indicated that the organisation of peaceful elections in the DRC should take into consideration a number of preconditions. ''Disarmament of armed groups is an essential condition for the elections to take place across the DRC which will make them legitimate'', declared Mr. Guéhenno, further noting that the progress which the DRC would make for the formation of a Congolese national army in which all the Congolese people will trust would be decisive.

He underscored the need for the Congolese people to make the electoral process their own. What is more important, he said, ''is to create appropriate conditions for the Congolese people to manifest their sovereignty and organise a true political debate transcending individuals' divides and addressing the real problems faced by the DRC''.

The debate to be organised conjointly with the Civil Society, political parties and other organisations concerned, should address the real problems such as power sharing, the role of the provinces vis à vis the central power, government revenues, as well as the other basic issues relating to nationality, the mode of the vote, relations between communities, the culture of tolerance etc., he indicated. ''The elections constitute a propitious moment to bring people together. If the process is not well managed, it can generate more division'', Mr. Guéhenno warned, calling on ''all those who have a contribution to make to the sensitising work through education and public discussions to fully commit themselves'' for the next 12 months

Analysing the situation in the DRC, Mr. Guéhenno gives credit to MONUC troops and Congolese people for the substantial progress made which he referred to as « a result of some political maturity''. Transition is proceeding and authorities are taking seriously the electoral timing, he said, however indicating that they may be some hitches in the future. ''When looking back into the past, we find that there is a lot of hope, but when looking into the future, we find ourselves faced with a big challenge''.

Owing to this reason, he considered the last events in Bukavu as part of the hitches that should not discourage the Congolese people. For Mr. Guéhenno, the event is a result of the divisions within the Congolese army and shows how urgent it is to form an integrated army. He further said that MONUC was currently supporting government's effort to restore calm to Bukavu.