Press Review of 3 April 2006

10 Mar 2009

Press Review of 3 April 2006

The lead story in today's local papers is the conclusion, yesterday, of the registration period for the candidates to stand for the presidential and legislative elections by the Independent Electoral Commission CEI.
The registration of candidates for the presidential and legislative elections ended yesterday. As of 02 April 2006, "72 candidates got registered for the presidential and 3837 for the legislative elections," reports L'Observateur. Four candidates got registered yesterday, including "Vice-President Azarias Ruberwa and ... a Mr. Etienne Tshisekedi," says La Référence Plus.

Which Etienne Tshisekedi is it about? It is "Etienne Tshisekedi Mpubwe, not to confuse with Etienne Tshisekedi wa Mulumba, UDPS leader," explains L'Observateur. What a "striking and troubling coincidence," Etienne Tshisekedi Pumbwe "returns from London after 25-year absence from DRC; he is of the same district, territory and village from UDPS leader," notes La Référence Plus.

"Etienne Tshisekedi, UDPS leader, for his part, continues demanding political consultations and has not registered as some Congolese pretended," says Forum des As. "The electoral process is doomed to failure in respect of its inclusive nature," considers La Référence Plus, echoing Vice-President Azarias Ruberwa whose Secretary-General "has left the party for personal reasons as RCD leader was getting registered for the presidential yesterday," reports Forum des As.

The next stage following candidates' registration; "the Independent Electoral Commission will examine and notify eligible candidates," highlights L'Observateur. "A day before the deadline, only 25 candidates paid the non-refundable registration amount, US$50, 000," points out Le Potentiel.

The National Assembly, for its part, is due to open April parliament session today. There is need to "restore order to both houses of parliament," says L'Observateur. "The MPs and Senators affected by the Supreme Court of Justice Decision will see their mandates invalidated and will be replaced by their components and entities," explains L'Observateur. "Who will then chair the official opening ceremony? Olivier Kamitatu or Thomas Luhaka?" wonders Le Potentiel.