Press Review of 4 April 2006

10 Mar 2009

Press Review of 4 April 2006

Parliament Speaker's resignation is the lead story in today's local press.
Olivier Kamitatu, Parliament's Speaker, finally resigned yesterday under these terms: "I have today decided to comply with the Supreme Court of Justice Decision that those who left their components should resign from Parliament...So doing, I have complied with the Parliament rules," echoes reports L'Observateur. Olivier Kamitatu has then proved that "he would not like to be an obstacle to the Transition," says Le Potentiel. "The endless debates on the issue whether to retain Olivier Kamitatu as Parliament's Speaker until the end of the Transition or dismissing him has definitely been settled," says L'Observateur.

"Thomas Luhaka shall take over from Olivier Kamitatu except the last-minute change," highlights L'Observateur. Thomas Luhaka must now be expecting "an invitation from the office of the National Assembly to officially take up office," says Le Potentiel.

What is the fate awaiting "the other MPs who, like Olivier Kamitatu, are no longer members of their components"? wonders L'Observateur. "Today's session is however devoted to the examination and adoption of the laws on the status of magistrates, and the establishment of new jurisdictions...," further says Le Potentiel. Be that as it may, the Supreme Court of Justice Decisions "are not opened to discussion...they are binding on each party," highlights L'Avenir.

In another development, the Independent Electoral Commission is busy preparing the forthcoming elections boycotted by the "Union pour la démocratie et le progrès social (Udps)". As of 02 April 2006, deadline date for the registration of candidates, Etienne Tshisekedi's party did not "put forward any names for his members for the upcoming presidential and legislative polls," explains Le Potentiel. UDPS absence "will not discredit at all the elections," assures L'Observateur, echoing a statement by the American Under-Secretary of State for African Affairs. "Some UDPS members however registered themselves as independent," says L'Observateur, further echoing Ms. Jendayi Frazer. "Washington is arguably backing the DRC elections," reports Le Palmarès.

For the purpose of securing the process, European force is expected in DRC shortly. However, "behind the idea of troops' deployment, European Community's chanceries in DRC are considering how to evacuate their populations...," writes Le Phare. In concrete terms, "they will set up some assembly points from which they will evacuate their populations to the N'Djili airport, escorted by elements of the European contingent," reports Le Phare.