Press Review of 22 February 2006

10 Mar 2009

Press Review of 22 February 2006

Today's local press mainly focuses on the draft electoral law adopted by the DRC Parliament yesterday.
"MPs and senators unanimously adopted with an overwhelming majority the draft electoral law to lead to the presidential, legislative, provincial, urban, municipal and local elections," reports L'Observateur. "374 of the 404 MPs present voted for against 11 who voted against and 19 abstentions," says L'Avenir. The electoral law provides, "the President will be elected by a two-round poll." L'Avenir further reports, "the electoral law will be transmitted to the President within the next few hours for promulgation by the latter."

Since the ppromulgation of the electoral calendar is contingent upon the issuance of electoral calendar, Father Apollinaire Malu Malu, the Head of the Independent Electoral Commission handed over to MPs "a projected electoral calendar yesterday without any dates," reports La Référence Plus. The projected calendar says, "if the electoral law is promulgated on 27 February 2006, the first round of the presidential elections will be held on 18 June 2006," reports La Tempête des Tropiques. This implies, "the second round will take place three months later, more likely in September," predicts La Tempête des Tropiques. It is obvious "the polls will take longer than scheduled," says Le Potentiel. The projected calendar submitted by the Independent Electoral Commission to both chambers of parliaments "provides for about three-month extension of the transitional period as from 30 June 2006," informs La Tempête des Tropiques, which further reports, "A victory with an overwhelming majority by a candidate at the first round would keep the process within the time frame agreed upon."

No matter what happens, "the electoral process is irreversible," highlights L'Observateur, further indicating, "The breakdown of seats became effective yesterday; Katanga comes first with more representation with 69 seats versus 12 for Maniema," reports L'Avenir.