Press Review of 21 February 2006

10 Mar 2009

Press Review of 21 February 2006

The draft electoral law under review at the parliament is the dominant issue in today's local press.
The adoption of the draft electoral law initially scheduled for yesterday was postponed to this Tuesday, allegedly due to MPs request "for details about the breakdown of seats per constituency both at national and provincial levels," reports L'Observateur. The Independent Electoral Commission "handed out several copies to the 620 MPs and senators before the plenary," explains La Tempête des Tropiques.

"Discrepancies were noticed in the breakdown figures issued by CEI and those of the Administrative services," notes Le Phare, explaining, "because they were based on the registration rates rather than the total number of population."

Another bone of contention, "some components, notably RCD, are demanding the creation of additional territories to increase the number of electoral constituencies," highlights L'Avenir. RCD wants "Minenbwe and Bunyakiri to be made territories and new constituencies for the Sud Kivu province," reports Le Potentiel. Following the rejection of its request, RCD "threatens to leave the electoral process if today's plenary confirms the rejection," warns Le Potentiel. This may "deal a serious blow on the already volatile electoral process that is way behind schedule," further says Le Potentiel.

President Joseph Kabila traveled to Bukavu yesterday afternoon to establish "his base in the town," announces L'Avenir. This is an indication that the President would like to "personally settle the insecurity issue caused by negative forces in an attempt to undermine the upcoming elections in some parts of the Sud Kivu province," argues La Référence Plus. Azarias Ruberwa, Vice-President for political, defence and security commission is currently visiting Kigali. "Though the visit was planned earlier, the object of his visit has not been revealed to the press," says La Référence Plus.