Donors' conference on DRC Congo's elections and massacre of civilians burnt alive in South Kivu

10 Mar 2009

Donors' conference on DRC Congo's elections and massacre of civilians burnt alive in South Kivu

Press Review - 12 July 2005

Donors' conference on DRC Congo's elections and massacre of civilians burnt alive in South Kivu make the headlines of today's local press.
The headlines in L'Observateur read: 'European Union offers to provide 89 million euros.' 'It is a substantial financial contribution to the electoral process'there is therefore no excuse for a failure' the paper says, quoting the European Commission for Development and Humanitarian Assistance, Mr. Louis Michel. L'Observateur quotes the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for the DRC, Mr. William Swing as saying, 'the elections are a challenge in a country lacking basic roads infrastructures, identification card, and where no census has been taken for over twenty years,'.

Le Potentiel reports, 'European Commission has donated 89 millions euro to DRDC,' and further indicates, 'Europeans are endeavouring to convince Americans to make their contribution for successful elections in the DRC.'

The paper says, 'MONUC submitted a report to the donor countries about the logistics and security of the electoral process.' According to Le Potentiel, 'William Swing is expected in New York by the UN Security Council in order to brief them on the Transition and the electoral process... he is expecting the Security Council to amend MONUC mandate as far as security measures are concerned.'

L'Avenir says, 'William Swing will have to clarify the logistic contribution made by the UN institution he has been heading in the DRC.'

With respect to the transition process, Le Palmarès reports, 'Presidents Dos Santos, Bongo and Sassou are expected in Kinshasa this Saturday to kick-start the DRC transition process.' However, Le Palmarès points out, 'to attain this goal, our three distinguished hosts will have first to get political stakeholders to talk including UDPS and PALU who must as well get their share.'

In another development, La Tempête des Tropiques reports '39 people including women and children burnt alive, 25 houses looted in a bloody attack over the weekend by FDLR in South Kivu, about 60 Km from Bukavu.' The paper explains, 'The Rwandan Hutus blame their victims for collaborating with DRC armed forces and MONUC members.' The paper further reports, 'FDLR reject responsibility for the massacres.' La Tempête des Tropiques says, 'Informed of the situation, MONUC rushed an intervention team to the scene of the incident to stop further escalation.'