The UDPS leader's address to his party's members last Saturday

10 Mar 2009

The UDPS leader's address to his party's members last Saturday

Press Review 11 July 2005

Today's local press comment widely and diversely on the UDPS leader's address to his party's members last Saturday.
The headlines in La Référence Plus read: 'Tshisekedi sticks to his position.' The paper highlights, 'The turnout was far from reaching the 1990s'At least 10,000 to 15,000 people turned out,' and says, 'UDPS leader's speech remained unchanged; Transition ended on 30 June.' La Référence Plus further says, 'Etienne Tshisekedi called for a return to the national conference scheme without showing how to achieve this.' The paper notes, 'UDPS leader did not issue any guidance to his members whether they should register for the elections.'

'No incident was reported during the meeting as previously feared,' L'Avenir says, further indicating, 'Etienne Tshisekedi did not say anything new.' In an editorial entitled, 'what happened next'' the paper estimates, 'Tshisekedi revealed his policy and contradictions but how are those who did not register going to vote against the constitution'' L'Avenir wonders.

'An unusually frank, level-headed and less incisive Tshisekedi,' Le Potentiel says, alluding to the 'Saturday 9th July meeting.' He however remained 'intransigent in respect of transition's extension,' Le Potentiel underscores. UDPS leader was in favour of returning to 'constitutional order.' The paper further notes, 'for Etienne Tshisekedi, there has been no legal vacuum after 30 June since there is a legislation issued by the national sovereign conference paving the road for DRC's bright future containing binding resolutions.'

Under the headline, 'Tshisekedi remained true to form,' reports Le Phare, further indicating, 'UDPS leader could not lift a watchword he never issued neither in public nor in private, or any of his representatives did.' The paper explains, 'He sensitised every one of his members to assume their responsibility.'

Referring to the International Community, La Tempête des Tropiques says, 'Etienne Tshisekedi told the latter to assist the Congolese people to establish a rule of law.'

With regard to the DRC donors' meeting today in Brussels, La Référence Plus announces, 'IEC is in need of nearly 150,000 USD.' 'Father Malu Malu must convince DRC's partners to make further contributions to salvage the electoral process from financial wreckage,' the paper says.