Press Review 26 May 2005

9 Mar 2009

Press Review 26 May 2005

Kisangani events make the headline of today's local press.

The headlines in La Tempête des Tropiques read: 'One more bloodshed in Kisangani.' The paper writes, ' Gssp (President Kabila's Special Guards) and the Mai Mai spread terror in the town,' indicating, 'the clashes were triggered off by the Mai Mai commander, Michigan's refusal to give back a stolen bike. The Mai Mai fled to the Bangboka international airport along with their chief and disappeared into the forest,' quoting General Padiri, commander of the 9th military region.
Under the title, ' Kisangani: Mai Mai and Gssp at the edge of horror,' Le Phare reports, 'the town was rocked by heavy-gun shootings for six hours, which left two Mai Mai elements dead, including a colonel and one Gssp element injured.'

La Référence Plus, as far as it is concerned, headlines, ' total confusion yesterday in Kisangani' and highlights, 'two people regular army elements were allegedly killed.' The paper also reports 'an escape attempt by detainees in the Kinshasa prison stopped by prison military guards who fired in the air to frighten them.' Alluding to 'an official source,' La Référence Plus indicates, 'the situation was immediately brought under control.'

L'Avenir also mentions the 'confusion in Kisangani,' and says, ' Facts could not be established due to the variance between the different sources.' The paper explains, at a time when 'the Army headquarters refers to a situation caused by prisoners' attempt to escape, MONUC and an independent source mention the Mai Mai.'

'Transition in peril,' Le Potentiel writes on its front page, wondering if 'the successive events in Bukavu, Kinshasa, Bunia, Lubumbashi, Mbuji-Mayi, and Kisangani yesterday, are not the hint of the times of crisis ahead for the electoral process'' The paper assures, 'it would be prudent to make a thorough analysis of the recurring crisis that are tending to spread.'

L'Observateur, for its part, signals 'a clash between Upc/l and Fardc in Ituri that left six people dead and eight captured,' and explains, 'militia members of the Upc led by Thomas Lubanga were preparing to commit their umpteenth abuse in the town of Katoto when surprised by the UN and Congolese troops.'

In another development, L'Avenir reports, '28 dead in a plane crash between Kindu and Goma.' Le Phare reports ' 35 people killed in an Antonov crash,' quoting the DRC Air Transport Authority known as 'Régie des Voies Aériennes' that 'the Russian-made aircraft flying the Victoria Air line flag took off from Goma airport at about 8h30. Its low-rate paying attracts passengers in comparison to the other air lines.'

Echoing the MONUC weekly press conference, Le Phare reports, 'UN mission encourages dialogue between political parties and civil society components in Mbuji-Mayi.' The paper quotes Ms Eliana Nabaa, Deputy Director of Public Information as indicating, 'pacification is not only a military but also a political issue that must be addressed within the framework of a dialogue; MONUC urges political parties to respect and accept one another.'