Press Review 24 May 2005

9 Mar 2009

Press Review 24 May 2005

Karel De Gucht and Ramazani Baya, respectively Belgian and Congolese Ministers of Foreign Affairs' Meeting is broadly commented by today's local press.
' Karel De Gucht has called for calm,' L'Observateur headlines, alluding to 'the political unrest around the extension of the transition period.' The paper also reports, ' Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs has appealed to the Congolese people to remain calm in spite of the postponement of the elections.' This implies for L'Observateur that 'the Belgian Statesman is against some transition stakeholders rhetoric inciting to general uprising against the Transitional Government after 30 June.'

On this subject, Le Potentiel announces, ' The electoral process is irreversible' and further notes, 'The Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs has adopted a different tone after his last declaration sparked off controversies in Belgium.' Le Potentiel recalls, ' Karel De Gucht repeated his statement that there is no Government in DRC.'

L'Avenir is of the opinion that ' Karel De Gucht is trying to dismiss the Congolese leaders without taking side for none of them.' The paper says to understand ' the motive of the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs' anger against the Congolese Government officials.' It underscores that ' Karel De Gucht has made amends,' by ' appealing to the Congolese people to calm down in spite of the postponement of the elections scheduled for the end of the transition.'

On the same tone, Le Palmarès notes, ' after vilifying the Congolese Government, De Gucht appealed for calm in DRC in the presence of Ramazani Baya.' Under the headline, ' this is how Karel De Gucht lied to the Congolese Government,' it explains that ' It was a completely different De Gucht who met with the Congolese Minister of Foreign Affairs yesterday instead of a flashy character that one may like or not, boasting with thunderous statement, it was rather a sly diplomat who played a political game as they pleased.'

Referring to the meeting between Karel De Gucht and his Congolese counterpart, La Référence Plus headlines, ' Belgian Minister has urged Congolese Government to regularly pay its troops.' The paper also says, ' Belgium has already trained two new Congolese army brigades,' and echoes ' Karel De Gucht's concern over the surging inflation in DRC and insistence on the need for good governance.'

In other news, Le Potentiel writes, 'MPs and senators are not apparently showing great concern at the CEI's request.' The paper says, ' they should get to work and swiftly adopt the electoral texts conducive for a peaceful end of the transition.'

In respect of the political transition, La Tempete des Tropiques indicates, ' 37 days away from 30 June,' and points out, 'each party hangs to its position as the fateful date is nearing.'

L'Observateur, in turn, writes, 'the US has congratulated DRC parliament,' on 'adopting the draft constitution' adding, ' US Government is however insistent that elections must be held under the terms of the Sun City calendar.'

With respect to the Mbuji-Mayi events, Le Palmarès informs, 'MONUC wishes to reconcile Udps, Pprd and Mlc' and highlights, 'MONUC is consulting with different political parties with a view to holding a forum.' Echoing MONUC's chief in Mbuji-Mayi, the paper says, 'No happy outcome can be envisaged without talks among the transition rival stakeholders.'