Press Review

5 Mar 2009

Press Review

The alarming situation in the Kivus and the dispute between the Minister of Mining, Diomi Ndongala, and the Vice-President in charge of Economic and Financial Commission, Jean-Pierre Bemba, are the lead stories in today's local press.
It is now confirmed: General Nkunda is offered an exile in Nigeria, titles LE PALMARES. According to this newspaper, senior Government officials held talks with the dissident officer who briefly occupied the town of Bukavu from 2 to 9 June, « in a bid to induce him to leave the eastern DRC», following the explosive situation in the province. Quoting some credible sources, the paper says Laurent Nkunda « is exploring two avenues; either to accept the exile to Nigeria or to be granted a scholarship for further studies in a military academy in Europe ». The paper wrote: « by this means, negotiators hope to put an end to the brewing conflict in eastern DRC». The paper also says that Laurent Nkunda has « required some guarantees whose nature is not revealed», indicating that «this may has to do with his return to Goma whenever possible».

LE PALMARES announces that Jules Mutebutsi, the other dissident « who was the first to attack Bukavu», retreated with 300 troops to Rwanda. « He is allegedly in Cyangungu, a Rwandan district bordering the main town of North Kivu. He happens to take a walk once in a while in Goma », the paper says fearing that the situation in Goma might deteriorate.

The paper underscores that some actors of the Transitional institutions are opposed to any negotiation with the two dissident officers and have opted for the use of force. « Some people assumes that General Nkunda will be rewarded for his belligerent attitude and challenge to the established authority. Isn't this the world's turned upside down' », the paper writes, regretting Vice President Azarias Ruberwa's position to General Nkunda's exile. LE PALMARES quotes the Vice President as declaring « I agree with any solution that would spare the country a new war» and indicates that Mr. Ruberwa « has sorted out the problem his own way».

« The Congolese people expect MONUC to not only make statements but also and above all, to fully involve itself in the settlement of ''Nkunda and Mutebutsi's affair''», LA TEMPETE DES TROPIQUES writes. The paper goes back over the last week clash that left five dead, and nine injured in the rank of the DRC armed forces (FARDC), headlining: MONUC is called upon to prevent a new war in Kivu. « MONUC should intervene between the FARDC (Forces Armées de la République Démocratique du Congo) and the insurgents before disarming Laurent Nkunda and Jules Mutebutsi's troops whose hostile intentions are now obvious», the paper writes, indicating that « it is MONUC's role to intervene and definitely stop the adventure of the dissident officers».

L'AVENIR charges the Nord-Kivu governor, Eugène Serufuli, with bad governance, indicating that «Goma Governor is using public funds (') ordering disbursements as he wishes, without thinking of remitting the public funds to the central Government and receive some retrocession in return». For the paper, Serufuli is challenging Ruberwa (Vice-president) and Mbemba (Minister of Interior) who are to «run the sector». It says that North Kivu governor drawn from RCD, like Vice-president Ruberwa, is closer to Paul Kagame than the latter. The paper wonders about the use of funds by Mr. Serufuli and suspects him of transferring funds to Kigali. « It is in the Government's best interest to investigate the issue», the paper concludes.

Jean-Pierre Bemba versus Diomi Ndongala: US$ 81.4 million dollars divide both statesmen, LE PALMARES headlines, going back over the dispute between Vice-president Jean-Pierre Bemba and the Minister of Mines who is facing the threat of being sacked. Diomi Ndongala was opposed to the smuggling out of the Congolese diamond to Congo-Brazzaville. « The smuggle is now under control with the exclusion of Brazzaville from the Kimberley process, and as a result, the revenue from diamond production has increased. « Diamond export has now yielded US$81.4 million for the DRC versus the 2.7 million carats it used to produce, according to the statistics published by the Centre in charge of assessment, expertise and certification of precious and semi-precious mineral resources», the paper further says. « The DRC won in the Kimberley process, has enabled it to recover the huge profit from the diamond export' (') The truth about this issue is now established thanks to the nation's true lovers», LE PALMARES further indicates.

Ministers starts an early electoral campaign, headlines LE POTENTIEL. «Transition's actors started using their official missions to their respective constituencies in the interior of the country for electoral propaganda», the paper says, indicating that «by giving priority to the meetings with their grassroots every two trips in the interior of the country, it is most likely that some urgent matters are being put on hold».