Press Review

5 Mar 2009

Press Review

Today's local press focuses on the insecurity prevailing in Kivu and MONUC concerns about the insecurity.
The headlines in LE POTENTIEL read: Clashes in the town of Goma left three dead and several injured, quoting RADIO OKAPI. According to witness evidence gathered in the district of Birere Mapendo, where a resident whom military troops were attempting to loot, alerted the population and managed to capture one of them after dispossessing him of his weapon. «Then the remaining troops opened fire to disperse the crowd. Several people were injured», reports the paper adding that the seized weapon was handed to MONUC Task Force One. LE PALMARES says the population of Goma are facing increasing insecurity and invites the military and civilian authorities in the town to « take necessary actions in order to stop the acts of banditry», further indicating: « General Nkunda and his gang must first be neutralised».

The same paper goes back over «General Nkunda's exile in Nigeria or further studies in a military academy». LE PALMARES considers General Nkunda's departure as an admission of powerlessness from the Government, which it describes as «incompetent government». « Is there a country in the world where a senior military officer can freely strut about and sniff fresh air like an honest man after violating the military justice code' Is there a country in the world where a governor can be dispatched to meet with such a person, in his capacity as head of the provincial administration' », The paper wonders fearing « a trap that would result from a legal precedent» in « this atypical country, the DRC, where anything can happen». While negotiations on Nkunda's departure are ongoing, « the strong man is freely moving between Goma and Minova. He even went on to declare that the person who can arrest him is not born yet' », the paper concludes.

L'OBSERVATEUR, which echoes MONUC weekly news conference, reports troops movements in eastern DRC and clashes between the regular army and Laurent Nkunda's troops. MONUC voices strong concerns, titles the paper. « The situation remains tense in eastern DRC», declared the UN Mission's spokesman, quoted by the paper. He describes the situation as « less reassuring for the transitional process», reports the paper.

LE PHARE also comments on the same news conference and the escape of the 27 troops of the Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Rwanda (FDLR), yet arrested by the DRC Armed Forces (FARDC). The paper quotes MONUC spokesman as declaring that after being informed of the capture of the troops by FARDC, MONUC immediately requested to visit them in the camp where they were encircled by the Congolese troops. «MONUC was to visit them for the second time. This did not work. MONUC peacekeepers were denied access into the detention camp where FDLR troops were apparently held by the Maï-Maï. This is to say that MONUC is not involved in the escape of the 27 FDLR either directly or indirectly», the paper writes.

LE POTENTIEL says that « MONUC has failed to induce the Hutu combatants, retreated to South Kivu hills, to subscribe to the ongoing voluntary disarmament and repatriation programme that started in 2002 ». Officers drawn from the Maï-Maï component, the paper further says, quoting military sources close to the 10th military region, reportedly facilitated the escape of the FDLR troops. « Actions will be taken against those found guilty in this escape», he highlighted.

Referring to MONUC news conference, LA TEMPETE DES TROPIQUES announces the beginning of a seminar, from 9 to 13 August, intended for the Congolese national police. Decisive session on security reforms in DRC, titles the paper. Over 90 members are due to attend the session, says L'AVENIR.

Recruitment of Child soldiers continues in DRC, titles LE POTENTIEL on its front page, alluding to the Amnesty International accusations. « The formation of a unified national army in DRC and the disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR) of dozens of thousands invalid combatants is one of the basic reforms the Government should make (') The release of child soldiers by different armed forces should not tied to the army reform», writes the paper.

Pontien Tshisungu suspended for an undetermined period, for having broadcast an excerpt of the news conference held by Vice President Azarias Ruberwa, RCD leader, on the occasion of the 6th anniversary of his party on 2 August on Government controlled Television (RTNC), says the paper further indicating that the disciplinary action « recalls the bygone age under Staline». Modeste Mutinga (head of Media Authority) blames RTNC Managing Director, titles LA REFERENCE PLUS. Mr. Mutinga accuses RTNC of withholding information and deliberately preventing the public media from giving access to other political parties. « The embargo was reportedly decided by the Minister of Information, Mova Sakanyi », the paper writes. In a letter addressed to the head of RTNC, Modeste Mutinga says that this is a « violation of the spirit and letter of the All-inclusive Agreement».