Press Review

4 Mar 2009

Press Review

New Series of Crises within the Presidential Circle and the Political Opposition regarding ''Olenghankoy's dossier'', notes today's press in Kinshasa, raising a fresh showdown between Vice-Presidents Yerodia Abdoulaye Ndombasi and Jean-Pierre Bemba.
« Government Crisis. » Under this editorial title, Le Potentiel stresses that, «Government crisis has reached alarming proportions in spite of the Congolese people's wishes to see the transition make a soft landing. » The paper reports, « the clashes between the statesmen could have been avoided if every one would respect the much-talked about duty of confidentiality. »

The paper says, « the sixth Government's crisis was only just avoided last week-end... The key player in the new demonstration of the malfunctioning is Mr. Yerodia Abdoulaye Ndombasi, the Vice-President for the Reconstruction and Development who is pro-president Kabila. The bone of contention in the new clash that may sully the image of friendly relations that the members of the presidential circle should nurture is the decision made by Vice-President Yerodia to unilaterally revoke, without further ado, a decision made by his colleague, Jean-Pierre Bemba, Vice-President for Economic and Financial Commission (ECOFIN) to sort out the dispute pitting OFIDA (Office of Customs and Assizes – Government Owned firms) against the oil companies known as Shell and Cohydro. »

Le Potentiel « is afraid that the mediation commissions that are or will be put in place in order to bring the protagonists together may not be successful at all», alluding to the ''Olenghankoy-Bemba dossier'' in which Vice-President Azarias Ruberwa would like to serve as a mediator, according to La Référence Plus. « Still unsettled but clear enough for a way out to be found. Such is the view expressed by RCD (Congolese Rally for Democracy) concerning Olenghankoy's dossier which has poisoned the political climate for nearly a month», writes the paper adding that: « the Vice-President for Political and Security Commission, follows in the footsteps of the other people who volunteered to offer their good offices, since last Sunday. » In a press briefing on his trip to the USA, Azarias Ruberwa revealed his intention for mediating between Jean-Pierre Bemba and Olenghankoy. « Not only did he call for moderation but he also appealed for respect of what he refers to as jurisprudence, linking Olenghankoy's dossier to Roger Nimy (the Minister of Tourism who is from the pro-MLC RCD/N), who was removed from the Government owing to similar reasons. », he said.

The paper echoes Mr. Ruberwa's statement in this regard: « For a country just pulling out of war and facing several challenges, it would be incredible that too much time be devoted to minor issues that have nothing to do with the principles. Every one should bear in mind the all-inclusive principle, more particularly one free from conflict in order to surpass themselves and transcend some of the conflicts. »

The headlines in the Forum des As paper read: « Bemba-Olengha dossier: Arbitration by Joseph Kabila is necessary! »: « Expected this afternoon at the meeting commemorating the 16 February (Date when Christians were massacred in Kinshasa on 16 February 1992), the Minister of Transports threatens to rip open the boa. »

Another crisis raised by Le Phare is the one brewing within the Political Opposition. « Political Opposition: total confusion», writes the paper indicating that, « following the difficulty in sorting out Olenghankoy's issue and the veiled questioning of the leadership which Arthur Z'Ahidi Ngoma, Vice-President for the Social and Cultural Commission is trying to appropriate.

« It's war between Z'Ahidi Ngoma and Cléophas Kamitatu over the convening of the Political Opposition meetings», indicates Le Palmarès adding « Z'Ahidi Ngoma forbids Kamitatu from convening meetings of the political component of which he claimed to be coordinator. The meeting, due to be held today at Z'Ahidi Ngoma's residence, promises to be marked with some outbursts... »

And under the title: « Endundo and Luhaka dig Jean-Pierre Bemba's grave », L'Avenir re-launches the debate on the friendly relations in the presidential and governmental circles. According to this paper: «Jean-Pierre Bemba is angry with Olenghankoy because the Minister of Transport demands, at every cabinet meeting, the reunification of fiscal revenues. José Endundo (Minister of Civil Engineering Works-MLC) has more than once been discourteous to Vice-President Yerodia and there is enough evidence of this. More than Olenghankoy, he deserves to be removed from the Government. Revenues in Eastern DRC are transferred to Kigali and the ones from Zongo (former stronghold of Jean-Pierre Bemba's) vanish in into the bush. » «MONUC and the CIAT should get involved so that the reunification may be effective at every level», highlights the pro-Government paper.