Press Review

4 Mar 2009

Press Review

The meeting between the International Committee for the Support of the Transition (CIAT) and the members of the two chambers of Parliament, the Security Council meeting on the ongoing situation in the DRC as well as the other issues relating to the political situation in the DRC dominate in today's local press in Kinshasa.
The International Committee for the Support of the Transition expressed concern over the architecture of the Independent Electoral Commission (CEI), reports La Tempête des Tropiques, echoing the report on the meeting between the CIAT and both chambers of the Congolese Parliament. According to the paper, CIAT concerns revolve around the make-up of the CEI representations throughout the country that include the members of the political parties. In this regard, the CIAT indicates that ''appointing representatives reflecting the views of their political parties or components (within the CEI), may lead to the interference of the politicians in the organization of the elections''. The paper reports MPs clarifications in this regard, explaining to the CIAT that ''those representatives will only serve as witnesses for the political parties of the elections procedure but will not participate in the organization of the polls''.

Forum des As highlights that the two chambers of Parliament adopted the law on the functioning and terms of reference of the CEI, which leads the paper to say that ''CIAT initiatives seem to be overtaken by events''. However, indicates Le Phare, the creation of a joint committee CIAT-Parliament envisaged would thoroughly study the possible amendments to this issue and come up with a provision that should not be ambiguous.

Moreover, Le Phare announces that the UN Security Council declared itself in favor of the appointment of a ''Prime minister'' in the DRC, after noting a ''deficit in the coordination of Government activities'', alluding to the declaration made by the president of the Council indicating, among other things that the ''Council attaches particular importance to the appointment of a national coordinator for harmonizing the activities of the Transitional and National Unity Government''. For the paper, this title is just a euphemism that is meant to avoid the title of Prime minister for, ''in all political systems, it is the Prime Minister who coordinates Government activities''. Le Phare further notes that the Council expressed the hope to see ''progress be rapidly made in regard to the expansion of Government authority, the reform of the security sector, the consolidation of the Rule of Law, economic revival and the stopping of illegal exploitation of the natural resources, not to mention the need for putting an end to impunity...''.

Le Potentiel refers to the Security Council meeting on the reform of security forces in DRC, indicating that the meeting reviewed the current situation of the reform and the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) of the Congolese ex-combatants. The paper also reports that the UN has decided to ''face up to its responsibilities'', by issuing one month notice to the Government to finalize the reforms and has demanded that be urgently put in place the High Council of Defense and immediately be appointed the High Command of the National Police.

While serious efforts are being made by the Transitional Government to succeed in democratization, the Security Council declares itself both encouraged and worried, indicates L'Avenir, summing up the feeling of this UN Supreme Organ. The paper notes that the UN Security Council's perplex attitude is justified since they declared themselves encouraged by the progress recently made by the peace process in regard to the national reconciliation. At the same time, they express their concerns in regard to the work ahead relating to organization of the national elections scheduled for 2005, indicates the paper.

Le Phare reports the death of one MONUC military observer killed in Katoto, Ituri. The paper, which published the MONUC communiqué in its entirety, highlights that the MONUC staff member was killed in an attack launched by armed elements on a MONUC convoy. '' Monuc condemns, in the strongest terms, the attack on its staff members and has initiated investigations to identify those who organized the ambush and to make sure that they be brought to court'', indicates the paper.