North Kivu: MONUC condemns the obvious attempt by the CNDP to capture Nyanzele

3 Mar 2009

North Kivu: MONUC condemns the obvious attempt by the CNDP to capture Nyanzele

Kinshasa, 6 September 2008 – MONUC forces in North Kivu province noted on Saturday morning last that the armed groups of the Congrès National pour la Défense du Peuple (CNDP), a signatory to the Goma Acts of Engagement, tried to take a new position in the village of Nyanzale in Rutshuru territory, 65km north of provincial capital Goma, in an obvious violation of the Acts of Engagement.
MONUC immediately demanded of the CNDP hierarchy to withdraw its troops from this new position, which was previously occupied by the Congolese army. After this intervention, accompanied by a strong military pressure from the Blue Helmets, the CNDP troops were withdrawn to their original positions.

MONUC has reinforced its presence in Nyanzale and in its surroundings, and its combat helicopters are flying over the zone in order to prevent any new attempts at a violation of the Acts of Engagement.

With the prevailing fragile security situation in North Kivu, MONUC launches an urgent call to all the signatories of the Acts of Engagement so that they reenter the disengagement process without delay.