North Kivu: Surrender to blue helmets of Nkundist officer and 14 men

3 Mar 2009

North Kivu: Surrender to blue helmets of Nkundist officer and 14 men

Commander Micho Bizabaso, officer of ex General Laurent Nkunda and commander of a dissenting battalion occupying positions surrounding Sake, surrounded to MONUC blue helmets on the night of 26/27 November 2007.
The surrender was made after Major Micho tried on numerous attempts to capture a nearby strategic hill overlooking Sake, on which a mobile phone mast is located. The hill has been in the hands of MONUC since September.

Towards 1am in the morning, Major Micho and 14 of his men, heavily armed, presented themselves near the position occupied by the blue helmets and launched an ultimatum to them to hand over the position. The blue helmets categorically refused the requests of the dissidents and immediately went into a reinforced state of alert and defensiveness, preventing the dissidents from progressing, and threatening to disarm them by the force if they persisted.

Although able to use force if necessary, the blue helmets initially preferred to use their pressure and deterrent power on the dissidents, talking with them for more than one hour.

At 2am, the blue hemets' patience, perseverance and coolness succeeded in convincing Major Micho and his men to deposit their weapons and go for integration into the Armed Forces of the DRC (FARDC).The Major and his 14 men disarmed without resistance, giving their weapons and their ammunition to the blue helmets.

They were then brought under escort to a MONUC base and must be transferred, this Tuesday 27 November, to the the 8th Military region, for their nearest transfer towards a center of mixing.

MONUC is pleased with these surrenders and launches an appeal to the other dissidents and combatants of various armed groups, so that they deposit the weapons and, for Congolese, that they integrate into the unified Congolese army.

MONUC's blue helmets are ready to accommodate those who wish to disarm, demobilize, reintegrate and, for foreign combatants, repatriation.

Since 6 September 2007, the date on which MONUC obtained a suspension of hostilities in Sake, shortly after the attempt at a takeover of the city by the dissenting troops of Laurent Nkunda, 110 of Nkunda's troops have surrendered to the blue helmets of MONUC's North Kivu Brigade.