Press Briefing of 31 August 2005

3 Mar 2009

Press Briefing of 31 August 2005

MONUC To Receive US$ 103 million To Pursue Logistic Support for DRC Electoral Process.

'MONUC will receive US$ 103 million to continue providing support to the DRC electoral process,' the Deputy Spokesperson of the UN Mission in DRC, Ms Rachel Eklou-Assogbavi told the weekly news conference. 'The United Nations Secretary-General has been authorised by the Security Council,' she pointed out, before recalling, 'The bulk of MONUC's activities is now geared to backing the DRC voter identification and registration operations.
In this respect, 'Mr. William Lacy Swing, MONUC's chief, met with Mr. Louis Michel, the European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Assistance in Lubumbashi last Saturday. They both reviewed the DRC electoral process and its challenges,' said Ms Eklou-Assogbavi.
With regard to MONUC's military activities, Lieutenant-colonel, Thierry Provendier, Military Spokesman, announced, 'Last Wednesday's operations in the district of Linga in Ituri involving 700 peacekeepers of the Nepalese, Senegalese and South African contingents including a FARDC company are now over.' The mission's main objective 'was to demonstrate to militia that though MONUC has mobilised most of its troops to back the electoral process, it still has the capability ' though troops are in rotation ' to rapidly deploy any time across Ituri to restore order and security,' explained Lieutenant-colonel Provendier.
Several operations were launched in Kivu this week, notably, the codenamed 'Night Flash to ensure night presence in the surroundings of Kanyola. The operation dubbed Safe Path was aimed at ensuring free movement along Chivanga-Bitare axis and all the way through the Kahuzi Biega park. Meanwhile, operation Falcon Sweep is still in place, even though it is being conducted at a lesser pace than in July. Special elements of the Guatemalan troops conduct several reconnaissance missions and secure the zone on a permanent basis,' said Lieutenant-colonel Provendier.

The military spokesman said the Kivu-based MONUC Brigade 'maintains a high operational pace to keep the territory under control and to secure it effectively.'

MONUC's troops based in Ituri, 'welcomed the FARDC 4th brigade troops arriving from Goma. Comprised of 2,800 troops and 1,700 dependents who are living in the most precarious sanitary conditions, the brigade is cantoned at Rwampara, 10 Km of Bunia.' MONUC military spokesman further said. 'Besides cholera, they are also facing food shortage and lack of logistics,' highlighted Lieutenant-colonel Provendier.

'While MONUC military staff may not have adequate resources to assist the FARDC 4th brigade, blue helmets are providing health care to cholera-infected soldiers and their dependents,' also said Lieutenant-colonel Thierry Provendier. To this end, in North Kivu, 'military medical doctors were rushed in to Lubero and Butembo hospitals to treat some infected patients.' In any case, 'the Transition Government must on, one hand, take urgent actions to rescue the 4th merged FARDC brigade and, on the other, provide the already deployed FARDC brigades with adequate logistical support to successfully accomplish their mission,' concluded MONUC military spokesman.