Press Review of 10 April 2006

10 Mar 2009

Press Review of 10 April 2006

Today's local press comments on various issues.

The Independent Electoral Commission, CEI in French acronym, issued last week a provisional list of the short-listed candidates for the run-up to presidential elections. The list, including the current Head of State, Joseph Kabila and Mr. Likulia Bolongo, General under Mobutu's rule, is sharply criticized by some political parties arguing that "both personalities have never officially resigned from the army," reports Le Potentiel.
The Supreme Court of Justice must now decide "whether to accept or reject the request...," writes Le Potentiel. "The tentative list of the selected candidates for the run-up to the legislative elections is scheduled to be issued today," reports Forum des As.

The Congolese Rally for Democracy "RCD" in French acronym has appointed a new Secretary-General, "Kabasubabo Katulondji, in replacement of Barthélemy Mumba who resigned for personal reasons," writes L'Observateur. The new Secretary-General of RCD led by Vice-President Azarias Ruberwa, was "the federal president for the city of Kinshasa," highlights Le Phare.

In another development, the leader of the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda, "Ignace Murwanahyaka was arrested Friday 7 April 2006 in Mannheim, west of the Federal Republic of Germany where he lived for several years," says L'Observateur. The UN Security Council ordered "a travel ban and property freezing against the latter" says [Le Phare]; the FDLR chief is also "wanted by the International Criminal Court for having conscripted young Hutus and prevented the FDLR rebels to be demobilised from returning to Rwanda," points out L'Observateur. However, his arrest in the German territory is "an indication that peace is at hand in eastern DRC where Rwandan rebels act as terrorists...," says L'Observateur.