Press Review

5 Mar 2009

Press Review

The delay in the appointment of the governors call out to the International Community, says today's local press in Kinshasa. They also go back over the recurring issue on the appointment of a government coordinator.
After the International Committee To Support the Transition 'CIAT', the European Union pressures on the putting-in-place in the territorial administration, reports LE PHARE, adding that the European Union's Special Envoy for the Great Lakes region, Aldo Ajello, has come to Kinshasa ''to break the deadlock by asking the two key protagonists, amongst others, Joseph Kabila and A. Ruberwa to agree on making final adjustments for the putting-in-place of the territorial administration''. According to the paper, the European Union Senior official is of the opinion that a swift appointment of provinces governors will be a kick-off that ''would spark and help sort out many other issues considered so far as taboo''. The paper quotes the Interior Minister, Théophile Mbemba Fundu as declaring that regarding the Territorial Administration, there only remains one province to sort out.

LA REFERENCE PLUS, sharing the same view, notes that Aldo Ajello should be ''strict'' in breaking the deadlock in the Territorial Administration's dossier. Mr. Ajello's position is the one of the International Community, indicates the paper recalling that his declaration fits in with the spirit of the declaration made last week by ambassadors of the member countries to the CIAT in a meeting with the different Congolese officials.

''The presence of Rwandan troops in North Kivu is a violation of their own commitments'', declares Antoine Ghonda, Minister of Foreign Affairs, quoted by L'OBSERVATEUR. The minister who was addressing the members of the diplomatic corps accredited to Kinshasa, recalled to his interlocutors that ''on the 24 April, the Congolese government was informed through a press release from Monuc of the presence of the troops of the Rwandan Defence Forces (FDR/Rwandan Regular Army) in the Congolese territory indicating that Monuc troops were confronted by those troops in the Rutshuru district, Nord-Kivu province; the latter ordered them to pull out of the area''. The chief of the Congolese diplomacy condemned the incursions and expressed indignation and surprise on behalf of the Congolese government, notes the paper.

LE PHARE announces that the Congolese government has ordered its permanent representative to the United Nations to call for ''an urgent meeting of the UN security Council'', that should demand from ''Rwanda to immediately and unconditionally withdraw its troops from the DRC territory, to strictly comply with its own commitments, to take coercive actions against Rwanda as provided for in chapter VII of the United Nations charter'''.

'L'Organisation International de la Francophonie' launched a seminar in Kinshasa yesterday on the management of the democratic transition in the DRC, reports LE PALMARES, which publishes an excerpt of the speech, delivered on that occasion by the President of the National Assembly, Olivier Kamitatu. L'OBSERVATEUR further says that UN representatives and different African personalities, namely Benin's former president, Emile-Derlin Zinsou and the former Senegalese Prime Minister, Moustapha Niasse were present in the opening of the three-day seminar attended by approximately 200 national and international experts.

FORUM DES AS believes that the controversy around the appointment of a Government coordinator was at the centre of an in-depth debate on the evolution of the transition organised by 'La Francophonie'. In an article entitled Niasse and Swing clear the speculations, the paper echoes the positions of the two personalities who have had an important role in this issue. The paper highlights that Moustapha Niasse, representative of the UN Secretary General to the inter Congolese talks in Sun City declared having ''never been mandated to negotiate the issue on the coordinator of the Transitional government'', whereas the Head of Monuc, William Swing, went on to say that ''the Coordinator to which the President of the Security Council alluded to, is the person to be tasked to implement the DDR plan (Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration) of the Congolese armed groups''.

In another development, L'AVENIR wonders what has been the finding of the investigations initiated by the Congolese government on the 27 and 28 March events in Kinshasa. ''People are also anxious to know the finding of the investigation on the 8 March event'', indicates the paper. Furthermore, the paper further says, referring to the mass expulsion of the Congolese from Angola in inhumane conditions that '' the population would have hoped to see the DRC Government strongly protest against the inhumane treatment but alas''.