Press Review 11 May 2005

9 Mar 2009

Press Review 11 May 2005

The most recent developments of the current situation in Lubumbashi and Head of CEI's request for the prolongation of the transition to the parliament make the headlines of today's local papers.
Le Palmarès headlines, 'Joseph Kabila has suspended the boards of enquiry investigating the situation in Lubumbashi,' alluding to the presumed Katangese secession. According to the paper, 'a military member of the Presidential Special Security Guard known as GSSP was disappointed following an unfair share of money and disclosed the truth.' President Kabila was then 'informed of the huge complicity hatched by the commissions.' Le Palmarès further says that 'some of President Kabila's close aids who are members of the commissions are as well implicated.' L'Avenir however refers to 'panic in Kinshasa and Lubumbashi' and denies any arrests. 'There was no arrest, contrary to the rumour spread.'

La Tempête des Tropiques, in turn, reports that the weapons that disappeared in a military camp based in Lubumbashi were destined for 'a well trained paramilitary organisation for a mutiny.' In this respect, the paper concludes, 'the apparent calm in Katanga/Lubumbashi covers up a grave crisis.' The paper calls on 'President Kabila to address the nation in order to appease people's minds.' Le Potentiel further specifies the date of the president's address to the nation through its headline: 'Kabila to Address the Nation on 17 May,' without revealing the source of its information.

Le Phare whose headline is on the CEI request to the parliament feels that the 'crisis has actually broken out' for 'Father Malu Malu's request spares neither the parliament nor the government.' The paper expresses its serious concern that 'the CEI document is silent over the rest of the process.' On another issue, the paper writes: 'By protecting the government and the parliament, Malu Malu wants to take the responsibility for the postponement of the elections.' Le Phare writes, 'the head of the CEI is getting the CEI to shoulder the responsibility for the postponement of the elections beyond June 30' and highlights, 'Father Malu Malu was booed by students of the University of Lubumbashi' on Monday, 9 May. According to Le Phare, students of the university of Lubumbashi 'are opposed to any prolongation of the transition' and 'wonder why Father Malu Malu did not resign' when he realised that the ' parliament and the government were using stalling tactics.'