Press Review of 12 October 2005

10 Mar 2009

Press Review of 12 October 2005

Today's local papers mostly focus on the invalidation of the mandates of the MPs appointed CEOs of public companies.
'The MPs appointed as CEOs of public companies will no longer sit along their colleagues who retained their mandate as lawmakers,' announces L'Observateur. 'The members of the National Assembly ruled out ' by an absolute majority vote ' that MPs mandate was compatible with the one of CEOs of public companies',' explains Le Potentiel. 'The decision is a response to the procedural motion formulated by honourable Mukadi during the Saturday plenary that estimated that under the legal terms (of the transition's Constitution and procedures) governing the National Assembly, the duties of a CEO are incompatible with those of a MP,' recalls L'Observateur. 'A 48-hour ultimatum [was therefore issued] to the CEOs of public companies,' to make a choice, notes Le Potentiel.

As far as RCD (Congolese Rally for Democracy) is concerned, 'there is no incompatibility between the duties of CEOs of public companies and those of MPs,' highlights L'Observateur. In this respect, 'the MPs of RCD/Goma have decided to boycott the proceedings on the MPs appointed as CEOs of public companies,' further says the paper. This party has further 'threatened to suspend its participation to the National Assembly,' alerts Le Potentiel. Be that as it may, 'RCD's attempt to block the nNational Assembly [has] miserably failed,' estimates L'Avenir, indicating, 'its request to the National Assembly accusing the PPRD was considered as a stalling tactic and a mere politician's strategy to block the transition's process.' 'A political impasse looming on the horizon,' with the forthcoming proceedings on 'the law on amnesty, which may as well block the National Assembly,' warns Le Potentiel. Yet, 'We are running short of time and DRC will no longer tolerate that political deadlocks-makers, no matter who they are, continue to make a mockery of the national and international communities,' says Le Potentiel.