Press Review

4 Mar 2009

Press Review

The recent obstacles faced by MONUC troops during their operations in Gbadolite and Ituri, the military situation in South Kivu immediately after the Bukavu troubles and the political settlement of the Olenghankoy affair, Minister of Transports' dossier are the dominant news in today's local press.
«MONUC troops face obstacles in Equateur, more precisely in Gbadolite, the MLC headquarters led by Jean-Pierre Bemba », announces L'Avenir echoing a MONUC statement Wednesday on this issue during a news conference. Armed troops prevented three consecutive times UN military observers to « carry out their mission » in this town; the elements are not identified says the paper indicating that «MONUC must meet with MLC leaders (in Kinshasa.) »

« While MONUC troops are deployed in different South Kivu and North Kivu districts, the bloodthirsty Ituri militiamen continue killing. The UPC's (Union des patriotes du Congo) militiamen, led by Thomas Lubanga attacked MONUC troops», adds L'Avenir. « MONUC military retaliation was much more robust inflicting heavy damages on the UPC. MONUC shall make full use of its forces to protect civilians», writes the paper.

With regard to the situation in Bukavu, Le Palmarès publishes President Joseph Kabila's message read by his spokesman. « A delegation comprised of high ranking officers has been tasked (by Kinshasa) to restore order in this town...All those directly or indirectly linked to the last 72-hour's events shall be prosecuted and punished under DRC law», indicated president Kabila's message urging the Congolese people and more particularly the Bukavu and South Kivu populations « to be extremely vigilant... » President Kabila «assured the entire nation that the peace process will be carried through and he will ensure that free, democratic and transparent elections are organized within the time frame set by the Constitution. »

The same paper stresses that there was «more fright than hurt». The headlines in this paper read: « Major Kasongo released, RCD withdraws its threats» according to an official communiqué issued by the Congolese Rally for Democracy (RCD) in Kinshasa. « Major Kasongo returned Wednesday morning to his residence, aboard a MONUC flight. The cause that led the RCD to suspend its participation in the transitional institutions no longer exist, therefore all its representatives have been requested to return to various transitional institutions in order to resume their regular activities, announces the communiqué.

«RCD stops boycotting transitional institutions! », says Le Phare, but «Made furious by the RCD's statement describing Kabila as a dictator, Kamerhe demands the Congolese Rally for Democracy withdraw its offensive statement. » The minister of Information addressed the press Wednesday « as a political actor, who feels that we are now at a critical time and that the government should hold an exceptional meeting to address the crisis prevailing in the South Kivu administrative capital following the RCD inflammatory declaration Tuesday. Vital Kamerhe envisages resigning should RCD actors not withdraw their offensive statement against president Kabila. Kamerhe singled out the statement referring to Joseph Kabila as a dictator, a bloodthirsty leader of a rogue State... » The « abuses highlight an anachronistic behavior, which is not in itself a hoodlum behavior that should be condemned» For Mr. Kamerhe, « the RCD has a hidden agenda that should absolutely be stopped. »

Le Phare further announces « a happy outcome» of the dossier pitting the Minister of Transport against Vice-President Jean-Pierre Bemba. Headlines in the paper read: « Yesterday in the presence of president Kabila, Political Opposition confirmed Olenghankoy by 30 votes versus 28». « Such is the end of a story that was the talk of the town. Joseph Olenghankoy remains in Government», concludes Le Palmarès.