Press Review

4 Mar 2009

Press Review

No meeting will take place between Jean-Pierre Bemba and Olenghankoy, announces the local press, highlighting that the purpose of the meeting was to clear up the misunderstanding between the Vice-President for Economic and Financial matters and the Minister of Transport. Some papers raise the Civil Society's reactions to CIAT (International Commission for the Support of the Transition)'s position on the electoral law and go back over the Government civil servicemen's strike.
« Jean-Pierre Bemba and Olenghankoy agree to meet », wrote La Référence Plus on Tuesday. « Yet no meeting has taken place and nothing has been organized in this regard», pointed out the senator for the Political Opposition's component, Cléophas Kamitatu. The paper echoes Mr. Kamitatu's declarations on Thursday during a news conference to « enlighten the opinion on the evolution of his mission of mediation in the above dossier. »

In the same development, La Tempête des Tropiques reports « the Movement for the Liberation of Congo stands by its position not to let its members attend cabinet meetings together with the Minister of Transport. Jean-Pierre Bemba agrees to forgive Joseph Olenghankoy, should... » the latter understand the meaning of forgiveness. « For one can be forgiven today and resume insulting the next day. » For Le Potentiel, « it is an impossible mission for Cléophas Kamitatu. » Even though, according to the latter « all is not lost yet since they are proceeding with the negotiations. »

There is no longer a misunderstanding between President Kabila and the President of the National Assembly, indicates Forum des As. « Yesterday's meeting between Major General Kabila, Bishop Marini and Olivier Kamitatu, respectively Presidents of the Upper Chambers and the Lower Chambers of the Transition, sorted out all the clashing points regarding relations between the two institutions. » Pro-President Kabila's MPs harshly criticized Mr. Kamitatu's reply to the President's letter to parliament that created misunderstanding due to the interpretation of the text. « At the end of their talks, Bishop Marini and Mr. Kamitatu vowed to respect the transition calendar, more particularly by handling the different issues that need to be examined», highlights the paper.

Le Phare writes: « In reaction to the CIAT position, LINELIT (National League for Elections) calls for the dismissal of the organic bill submitted by the CEI. » The National League for Free and Transparent Elections (LINELIT) « hails CIAT views on some of the clauses in both versions of the bill on the Independent Electoral Commission (CEI) discussed by the Senate and the Parliament, more particularly the one that does not comply either with the spirit or the letter of the Transitional Constitution. » LINELIT submits some recommendations to the Supreme Court of Justice « in order to invalidate, at the appropriate moment, the organic law of the CEI and declare it unconstitutional... »

In its last declaration, recalls Le Potentiel, the CIAT raised the tone and called on the Joint Parliamentary Commission to make a contribution in the search for a solution to the flaws inserted into the CEI organic law.

Referring to the Civil Servants' salary scale, the latter having resumed strike in Kinshasa, Le Potentiel notes a «total confusion»: « the civil servants (are) invited to a new round of negotiations with the Government while budgetary constraints are such that salary adjustments would not be possible ... »

L'Observateur finally echoes a Wednesday news conference announcing the reinforcement of MONUC's positions in Eastern DRC « in order to quell the tensions ».

L'Avenir, in turn, quotes the MONUC spokesman's declaration when addressing a meeting of the Young Catholic Journalists' network: « Warrants of arrest soon to be issued against DRC war criminals ».