Press Review

4 Mar 2009

Press Review

All the Local Press in Kinshasa today devote their comments to the outcome of President Joseph Kabila's tour of Europe, particularly marked by the improvement in relations between the DRC and Belgium. Some papers mention the squabbling between the Movement for the Liberation of Congo (MLC-led by Vice-President Jean-Pierre Bemba) and the Forces Novatrices pour l'Unité et la Solidarité (FONUS-led by Joseph Olenghankoy, Minister of Transport).
« Blessed are those like Ulysses... » (Who made a wonderful trip.) Under this title, Le Potentiel devotes its editorial to president Kabila's trip to Europe. The Congolese President concluded his tour Tuesday in Brussels. He began his tour with Paris on 2 February and proceeded along to London, Great Britain and Berlin, Germany. « There is cause to say, without any risk of being mistaken, that the president enjoyed and was given a warm welcome by the foreign partners who reiterated their support to the Congolese transition. The contacts made with the Statesmen and Businessmen of the host countries helped the DRC benefit from a considerable reduction of its debts, especially by Paris» highlights the editorialist. In Belgium, "which has common ties with the DRC inherited from colonization," it further indicates, President Kabila invited Belgian businessmen to come and invest in his country the resources of which they are familiar in order to contribute to the revival of the Congolese economy... »

« In spite of the assurances given by the Congolese Head of State", reports Le Potentiel, the Belgian investors continue being guarded in their attitude. They require tax reduction and an easing of administrative formalities in DRC. »

Be that as it may, «From Brussels, Joseph Kabila, Guy Verhofstadt (Prime Minister) and Louis Michel (Vice-Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs) vowed to reconstruct the DRC», declares L'Avenir, echoing the Belgian Minister's speech and President Joseph Kabila's reply. « The first African President to address the Upper Chamber of the Parliament in Brussels, Joseph Kabila wins his bet at Belgian Senate», says Forum des As.

Le Palmarès, in turn, indicates "Joseph Kabila has invited King Albert II to the DRC on 30 June 2004. At the Belgian senate, he saluted the memories of Belgian colonizers and Patrice Lumumba. To the Press, he disclosed: the new (Congolese) governors of province will be appointed this February 28.. » According to La Tempête des Tropiques, « many Belgians, willing to return to the DRC, encouraged their king to favorably respond to the DRC president's request».

This leads L'Observateur to write: « The dividends of a tour ». For this paper, it is « up to the Congolese to make an assessment of the trip and capitalize on its possible dividends, upstream as well as downstream. » « In order for president Kabila to feel happy like Ulysses at the end of a long and wonderful trip, Joseph Kabila must effectively get involved in the ongoing political process so that nothing would ever be like before in the management of the public life», concludes Le Potentiel.

With regard to «Olenghankoy's dossier», Le Potentiel further publishes the reply of the Forces Novatrices pour l'Unité et la Solidarité (FONUS) to the Movement for the Liberation of Congo (MLC). According to the party led by the Minister of Transport, Joseph Olenghankoy: « the MLC has not, to date, brought any of the much heralded proof to confirm the alleged discourteous statements reportedly made by the FONUS leader, Joseph Olenghankoy against Vice-President Jean-Pierre Bemba through the Great Lakes magazine based in London. Instead of the promised proofs, MLC rather produced to the Press a montage of the cassette sent to Mr. Jean-Pierre Bemba by Mr. Joseph Olenghankoy... FONUS denounces MLC determination to try by all means to block the DRC democratic transition, by spreading the venoms of hatred and division within the Government... »

Le Palmarès analyses the same issue « which has already begun exhausting the patience of the Congolese people. » The paper is trying to bring together the protagonists in its own way: «The Vice-President Jean-Pierre Bemba is called upon to surpass himself in order to avoid creating an unnecessary crisis. Likewise Minister Olenghankoy should tread on the path of humility like he remarkably did in his letter, aimed to put Vice-President Bemba at ease. »