Press Review

4 Mar 2009

Press Review

Today's local papers mainly focus on the year's end address by President Kabila to the Congolese people.
« The year 2004 will be devoted to the consolidation of the national unity» in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, pledged President Joseph Kabila in a televised speech delivered Thursday in Kinshasa, on the occasion of the year's end celebrations of which La Référence Plus publishes excerpts relating to the political aspects. Joseph Kabila said that the year 2004 would be marked by « Government's effective participation in the DRC reconstruction, economic recovery and the settlement of all the pending problems. »

The Head of State congratulated the Congolese people for « their patience, courage and above all their support to the peace process. He was appreciative of the Congolese people's unflinching attachment to these values considered as the foundations for a modern nation: peace, national integrity and reconciliation. »

« If the year 2003 was characterized by the effective reunification of the country and the restoration of the State's authority throughout the national territory, the year 2004 will rather be marked by the consolidation of the national unity, the effective pacification and settlement of the pending problems faced by the Congolese people with a view to organizing the elections within the indicated time frame», stressed Joseph Kabila.

President Kabila's pledges, during the new year, « to fight poverty under the Transitional government program by fully implementing the new strategies initiated on May 2001 the main axes of which are: a good governance, the stabilization of the macro-economic framework, the rehabilitation and the 'pro-poor' growth that is central to government's program which places the population at the center of its action. » In this regard, he appealed to all the transitional institutions players « to strictly comply with the terms of the All-inclusive Agreement and the Constitution. »

« All of us made a commitment to our people that every one of us should keep», he said, adding: « beyond its commitment to regularly pay the civil servants' salaries throughout the national territory, the Government must step up the population's purchasing power as an inductor result of the rehabilitation of the basic infrastructures. »