Press Review

4 Mar 2009

Press Review

Today's local press in Kinshasa devotes its comments to the Sunday incidents in Lubumbashi, Katanga province, between the militants of two political parties; the political activities conducted by the leader of the Union for Democracy and Social Progress (UDPS) in Kinshasa and the normalization of relations between Belgium and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Le Phare reports « the city of Lubumbashi was the scene of several raids directed against the senior members of the Union for Democracy and Social Progress (UDPS) and the natives of Kasai living in the copper capital by groups of young people organized in militias known as '' Brigade des Martyrs''. »
The paper quotes the Human Rights organizations based in Katanga as reporting that « the acts of violence and vandalism perpetrated by the hundred or so militants of a political party known as the Congolese Union of the Nationalists and Federalists, UNAFEC, against the senior members of the Union for Democracy and Social Progress, UDPS. It appears from the reasons for the wave that the UNAFEC leader, Gabriel Kyungu wa Kumwanza, was allegedly victim of an attack by UDPS members in Kinshasa (Saturday). In a phone interview, Mr. Kyungu confirmed to his (sympathizers in Lubumbashi) that UDPS members in Kinshasa heaped abuse on him. »
A communiqué issued by Etienne Tshisekedi's party indicates that a UDPS member was killed in the incident « a fortuitous and minor incident allegedly pitted Mr. Kyungu against isolated people at Palais du Peuple, on Saturday, 13 December during a ceremony organized by UDPS to present its new Secretary-general to the public. »

Le Phare further announces that « after the wave of terror spread by the ''Brigade des Martyrs'' militias, the situation has returned to normal in Katanga, following the decision by the governor of Lubumbashi ordering the deployment of police force and detention of any militia attempting to trouble the order. » The international committee for the support of the transition (ICST) took up this dossier through the Belgian consul in Katanga, who called for calm, says La Tempête des Tropiques.
In Kinshasa, UDPS proceeds with its political activities within the framework of the peace process. Forum des As predicts a « front around Etienne Tshisekedi. »
« No sooner has the UDPS national leader returned to the country, after spending two years abroad, than he started receiving visitors. His residence has virtually turned to a pilgrimage site and a meeting point where key political actors, including those who are not part of the transitional team, converge. »

After holding talks with the former Prime Minister Leon Kengo wa Dondo, Mr. Tshisekedi received Thomas Lubanga, the leader of the Union of the Congolese Patriots (UPC-Ituri). On Tuesday, he received Manda Mobutu, leader of the People's National Rally/Rassemblement National pour le Peuple) (RNP) who went to seek «advice with the UDPS leader.» Forum des As says « those politicians regard the UDPS national leader as a stronghold through whom they can pressure the transitional actors to bring them to comply with the calendar set by the All-inclusive agreement on the elections' »

« Optimistic, the UDPS leader demands that the time table agreed in Sun City be respected» says Le Palmarès. This paper further expresses satisfaction over the normalization of relations between Belgium and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. « Between Brussels and Kinshasa, popularity rating is excellent. The four-day successful trip by the president of the Belgian Senate, Armand De Decker to the DRC has strengthened the century-old ties between both countries» writes the paper in its editorial.

The paper highlights « the DRC facing a red light: the Paris club. » Paris is to host a consultative meeting of Donors for the DRC from 17 through 19 December. All the ministers concerned have already left Kinshasa for the French capital, says the paper.