Press Review of 17 April 2006

10 Mar 2009

Press Review of 17 April 2006

DRC electoral process is the lead story in today's local press. The papers also focus on the publication of the definite list of presidential candidates.
Forty eight hours after the Supreme Court's Decision, the Independent Electoral Commission published the definite list of presidential candidates. Altogether, "33 presidential candidates," reports L'Observateur; which suggests that the Supreme Court has "dismissed all the appeals," points out Le Potentiel. The Independent Electoral Commission provisionally retained "32 candidates," recalls Le Potentiel. Mr. Bonioma just got his pass, "after failing to exhibit his police record," highlights L'Avenir.

The list of 33 presidential candidates includes President Joseph Kabila, which implies that "the request filed by some political parties to the Supreme Court for President Kabila's candidature to be invalidated or rejected due to his military status was rejected," explains L'Observateur. Consequently, "the debates around President Kabila's military status belong to the past now," highlights Forum des As.

The Supreme Court rendered its verdict after examining the form instead of "the core of the problem," says La Tempête des Tropiques. The request was rejected on the grounds that "those who requested the invalidation/rejection of President Kabila's candidature are not candidates for the presidential elections. In which capacity did they take the legal action against a presidential candidate," explains La Tempête des Tropiques. Yet, contrary to the Supreme Court's statement, article 107 "did not specify the capacity of a person who should file a protest against a presidential candidate," highlights La Tempête des Tropiques.

The request for the rejection of President Kabila's candidature proceeds from a "political folklore," says L'Avenir in so far as the request was made by "the people who described the process as illegal as Tshisekedi missed the boat of the transitional institutions," recalls L'Avenir. "Kabila's file is definitely closed," concludes Forum des As.

With reference to the electoral process, the Head of the Commission of the African Union is expected in Kinshasa today. The aim of his mission is "to help Congolese to successfully organize the general elections due shortly," reports Le Potentiel. "There are many pending issues awaiting him in Kinshasa, notably UDPS participation in the ongoing process...," points out Le Potentiel. In this regard, "He is scheduled to meet with the UDPS leader, Etienne Tshisekedi," reports Le Phare. We do hope that the Head of the Commission of the African Union will be "sensitive to the concerns expressed by Congolese who wish to see the elections meet the international standards such as transparency, candidates and voters' security and neutrality of the electoral commission," writes Le Phare.

In other news, Central African Republic "lodged a complaint with the International Criminal Court against Jean Pierre Bemba," reports Le Palmarès on the grounds that "following François Bozize's attack on Bangui, the forces loyal to Ange Félix Patassé and MLC troops (Ugandan-backed ex-DRC rebellion) led by Jean-Pierre Bemba organised a military reprisal and committed several exactions, according to the complainant," recalls Le Palmarès. "What will be Government's attitude when (the Vice-President) is summoned...Will DRC Government hand over the Vice President,"? wonders L'Avenir.