Press Review of 17 August 2005

10 Mar 2009

Press Review of 17 August 2005

Inter-institutional meeting of Monday 15 August, Difficulties encountered by the Independent Electoral Commission 'CEI' in Provinces and Embarrassing situation faced by Etienne Tshisekedi's party make the headlines of today's local press.
The headlines in Le Potentiel read: 'Espace presidential/Presidential Space, Parliament and CEI around William Swing.' The paper describes DRC Government's meeting with CIAT as 'unusual' and indicates, 'CIAT relayed the United Nations Secretary-General's recent report denouncing a series of dysfunction in the transition process, alluding to the pre-electoral operations.'

'The inter-institution meeting decided a number of actions in favour of the voter identification and registration operations,' says La Tempête des Tropiques. L'Observateur, for its part, highlights, 'the inter-institution meeting expressed the hope that the Parliament will convene an extraordinary session shortly to adopt the electoral law.'

L'Avenir headlines 'CEI, EU, MONUC and CIAT greatly concerned by the difficulties encountered by the voter identification and registration operations in provinces.' The paper is of the view that 'The difficulties encountered in the provinces can be overcome,' citing as an example, 'In the provinces, people have to walk up to 100 km to reach the nearest registration centre.' Very optimistic, L'Observateur says, 'identification and registration operations are going on smoothly in Miabi and Kabeya Kamwanga,' the native region of UDPS leader, Etienne Tshisekedi, despite his call for the boycott of the electoral process.

Le Potentiel relays UDPS position regarding the electoral code of good conduct issued by the Independent Electoral Commission. 'UDPS says No,' the paper headlines, and comments, 'UDPS does not consider itself bound to the electoral code of good conduct for not participating in the Transition process.' The paper further explains, 'UDPS leadership reiterated on Monday their determination to denounce the least rigging in the process,' notably the 'three-label UDPS' as recognized by the Minister of Interior.

On this issue, L'Observateur says, 'Ambassadors of Eastern Europe have called on President Kabila to intervene.' The paper recalls, 'It is not President Kabila's responsibility to keep UDPS unity but Etienne Tshisekedi's; He must 'prove his capacity to sort out internal differences in his party.'

La Tempête des Tropiques, pro-UDPS, refers to a 'planned exclusion of UDPS.' The paper calls for CIAT's intervention and it is 'worried by its silence.'

L'Observateur reveals, 'Tshisekedi has closed his party's seat' following 'increasing disputes between the party's extremists who are threatening to take up arms against the regime in place and the movement's leadership.'