Press Review of 22 August 2005

10 Mar 2009

Press Review of 22 August 2005

Today's local press mainly focus on the voter identification and registration operations in the Kivus and Maniema provinces. The press also publish an interview by a former late President Mobutu's advisor.
The headlines in Le Palmarès read: 'Launch of voter identification and registration operations' in North, South Kivus and Maniema provinces. The paper says, 'The Independent Electoral Commission known as CEI initially set itself three-week timing to cover the whole territory.' To date, 'Not all the electoral kits have arrived at the provinces ('), database officers' training is not yet over (') and security problems remain unsolved. In the Massisi and Walikale territories, there is not even talk about a possible opening of voter identification and registration offices,' the paper says, indicating, even though, 'CEI and Government officials remain optimistic.' The paper however notes, 'a general mobilisation of the population in Eastern DRC.' Le Potentiel writes, 'Authorities of the above three provinces have been sensitising their populations to the need for elections in DRC.' Unfortunately, 'the success of the voter identification and registration operations is being undermined by those who have been attempting to disrupt the peace process, notably Governor Serufuli's militia members, the Rwandan regular army troops and many other secret services,' says L'Avenir. The pro-PPRD paper further indicates, 'Kagamé's Shadow is hanging over DRC Electoral Process and Kivu provinces.'

'France and Australia for Enhancement of MONUC Capacities,' reports L'Observateur, further noting, 'the UN Mission will be provided with an additional Brigade and substantial logistic means to help it cope with the situation in the most volatile regions of DRC such as Ituri, North and South Kivus as well as North Katanga.

Referring to the two Kivus, more particularly the north, La Référence Plus (independent paper) writes, 'Vital Kamerhe (PPRD Secretary-General) announces President Kabila's upcoming visit to Goma and confirms the President's candidacy for the elections.' L'Observateur, for its part, predicts some changes at the head of PPRD, 'Kithima Bin Ramazani to take over from Vital Kamerhe.'

Le Palmarès echoes a 'Final Clash,' published by Honoré Ngbanda za Mboko, a former advisor to late President Mobutu, declaring, 'I rescued Etienne Tshisekedi from death.' In the same development, Le Potentiel quotes one of the key actors of the DRC post independent history as declaring, Tshisekedi was almost eliminated on the quiet without Mobutu's direct responsibility.'