Press Review 4 March 2005

9 Mar 2009

Press Review 4 March 2005

Monuc's reaction in Ituri following the assassination of 9 UN peacekeepers and the review of the draft constitution by the Senate are the major topics commented by today's local press.
The headlines in LE PHARE read: «Monuc?s reprisals in Loga: UN applauds, Ituri mourns». The paper says, «the UN Security Council renewed determination by the International Committee to Accompany the Transition in DRC known as CIAT whilst condemning abuses perpetrated by militia groups including their political and military leaders». The paper also reports, «wailing and gnashing of teeth in Ituri following combing operations carried out by Monuc in Loga»; In this respect, a spokesman of the Lendu community has accused the peacekeepers «of killing women and children».

LE PALMARES indirectly refers to the aftermaths of the senseless crimes with the headline «9 UN peacekeepers? Murder: Jean Pierre Bemba under threat! ». The paper says, «the International Criminal Court is very shocked by the heinous crimes on the Bangladeshi peacekeepers in Ituri and is accordingly issuing the first warrants of arrest», in the wake of which, «the cannibalism issue in Mambassa». The paper echoes Jean Pierre Bemba?s reaction in this respect «who has the slightest piece of evidence about my personal implication in this dossier». The paper concludes by indicating, «A Damocles? sword is hanging over the head of the MLC?s leader? ».

LE POTENTIEL, for its part, notes «an appalling slowness in the review of the draft constitution by the Senate». It recalls the recommendations issued by the inter-institutional seminar on the assignments to be carried out by each institution from February to May 2005 but singles out some «carelessness and offhand manner in dealing with the critical political stakes that will determine the future of the entire nation and people». LE POTENTIEL says, «senators disregard the recommendations» further indicating that they adopted, by amendment, the first article relating to the general arrangements stipulating that «DRC is, within its 30 June 1960 borders, an independent, indivisible, sovereign, social, democratic and secular State? ».

L?OBSERVATEUR refers back to the plenary held by the upper house of the Parliament and reports «Senators are opposed to their elections through indirect voting». The paper quotes the senators as indicating that, «the method is questionable or unreliable for it may be subject to manipulation, rigging and corruption and may affect the results; wealthy candidates may use manipulation of the members of the provincial Assembly whom they may corrupt with bank notes».

In another development, LA REFERENCE PLUS refers to army?s integration and writes «Army?s integration process (is) undermined: Belgian trainers have left the country», indicating that they were subject to harsh working conditions and therefore returned to Belgium four days ago. According to LA REFERENCE PLUS «the presence of elements of dubious nationality from some components referred to as potential clandestine immigrants is likely to foil the formation of the Congolese integrated army». The paper wonders whether «the departure of the Belgian instructors is a confirmation of Karel de Gucht?s statement that there are only a few responsible leaders in DRC? ».

L?AVENIR announces, « appointment in the diplomatic corps with the public firms soon». In this respect, the paper says, «the host countries to which the names of the diplomats were submitted under the usual diplomatic practice, have responded favourably»; the paper therefore speaks of «suspense about public firms will shortly be dispelled. Priority was given in-house candidates with expertise».