Press Review 8 August 2005

10 Mar 2009

Press Review 8 August 2005

Today's local press goes back over the recent appointments of Managing Directors for Public Firms. The papers also comment on the ongoing electoral process and the UN experts' report on the looting of DRC natural resources.
The headlines in La Référence Plus read: 'MPs and Senators were trapped (by being appointed) and are therefore forced to resign.' Accusing the MPs and Senators of assuming several duties at the same time, the paper explains, 'only those appointed for minor administrative tasks would retain their status,' quoting the Minister in charge of Public firms.

Le Phare, for its part, notes, 'Kamerhe invites the MPs and Senators assuming several duties at the same time should resign for it would not be normal that the MPs who are supposed to monitor the management of public firms to be the judge of their own actions,' echoing Secretary-General of PPRD (President Kabila's party).

'Public Firms: Suspects Audits,' writes La Tempête des Tropiques, assessing 'the last 35-day management.' The paper concludes, 'unfortunately, the looting of public firms during the past 3 years will not be sanctioned,' and further indicates, 'impunity continues in DRC eight years after President Mobutu Sese Seko was evicted from power.'

In another development, Le Phare reports, 'Kabila, Ruberwa and Bemba embarks on electoral campaign.' The paper highlights, 'three members of the presidential circle set the scene for the electoral campaigns after getting enrolled; this is undoubtedly the beginning of a race towards winning voters.'

L'Avenir reports, 'Joseph Kabila (is) the preferred candidate for most Congolese people.' The paper echoes a Berci opinion poll revealing, 'Kabila remains the hope of the provinces that suffered the horrors of war'whilst in other provinces that were spared the horrors of war, some Congolese people will heed the vendors of illusions'Nevertheless, President Kabila still scores high marks in the overall opinion poll.

'Nkunda and Mutebutsi Wanted!' Le Potentiel headlines, alluding to UN experts' report on the looting of DRC natural resources. Reporting, 'Colonel Jules Mutebutsi and his troops are still in a Rwandan-based camp Coko,' the paper indicates, 'UN experts recommend that DRC Government request their extradition under the international norms in this respect.' With respect to General Laurent Nkunda, Le Potentiel says, 'the UN experts recommended that the Transition Government take the necessary actions to track him down and stop its activities conducted with impunity.'