Press Review of 9 February 2006

10 Mar 2009

Press Review of 9 February 2006

DRC electoral process is the top issue in today's local press.

Except last-minute changes, "the bill on the organization of the presidential, provincial, urban, municipal and local elections is to be finally adopted by the Parliament today," reports Le Palmarès. "235 articles contained in the bill were adopted by both the National Assembly and the Senate in a marathon session yesterday, with some amendments," says Le Palmarès.

Though the bill is being adopted, "It would be hypothetical to hold elections in two months," warns Le Phare, indicating, "the electoral process is way behind schedule; According to the projected calendar candidacies for the presidential elections were to be submitted from 02 through 07 February 2006 and the electoral campaigns were due to start on 15 February." Moreover, "...the bill was to be promulgated after candidacies have been submitted to the Independent Electoral Commission that was tasked to select, analyse and make up the lists of candidates at every level and publish them...", says La Tempête des Tropiques. With such delays, it would be difficult to envisage having "neither the new President sworn in nor the new MPs designated by 30 June," concludes La Référence Plus. To guard against eventualities, "actions should be envisaged without delay to prevent escalation from extremists who may take advantage of the absence of the new institutions immediately after the 30 June," says La Référence Plus.

"Etienne Tshisekedi (UDPS leader) is the sole rival who can actually measure up with President Kabila," says Le Potentiel, echoing Vital Kamerhe, PPRD Secretary General (President Kabila's party). Such a declaration show that "Tshisekedi is an inescapable reality (...) He is the object of most political strategies (...) He therefore has to behave accordingly," writes Le Potentiel.

In Nord and Sud Kivu provinces, "despite tensions, the situation remains under control," reports L'Observateur, echoing Colonel Bergeron of MONUC. It is unfortunate to note that "after every victory on armed group, FARDC elements indulge in committing looting and rape (...)," notes L'Observateur. If the troops' social conditions are not improved "it would be difficult to stop such abuses," further reports L'Observateur.

The dissident General Nkunda was "spotted" by the DRC Minister of Defense, Mr. Onusumba, in Kivu, writes Le Palmarès. The Minister declared "The dissident General is based in the Masisi hills and the Government will deal with him accordingly at the appropriate time," reports the Minister of Defence.