MONUC brings Commandant Joseph Kasongo of RCD/Goma back to Bukavu

3 Mar 2009

MONUC brings Commandant Joseph Kasongo of RCD/Goma back to Bukavu

Commandant Joseph Kasongo of the Congolese Rally for Democracy (RCD/Goma), arrested in Bukavu and transferred to Kinshasa Monday, was flown back to the South Kivu administrative capital on Wednesday, announced MONUC spokesman, Hamadoun Touré, during the weekly news conference.
« He arrived in Bukavu at 9h40, (Kinshasa local time) on board MONUC aircraft and was handed over to the local military authorities on the ground», said Touré. The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for the DRC, William Lacy Swing spent all of Tuesday with senior Congolese Government officials to sort out the problem. He congratulated their contribution for a positive outcome, added the Spokesman. « Mr. Swing calls on all parties concerned to concentrate on pending issues so as to comply with the time frame provided for in the Constitution regarding elections». MONUC continues to patrol Bukavu day and night, further said Mr. Touré. It will continue fulfilling its mandate from a completely impartial standpoint, he indicated.

The Spokesman recalled the head of MONUC's visit to Soroti, North of Uganda Monday, where he met with President Yoweri Museveni. They addressed regional issues, relations between Uganda and the DRC and reviewed the ongoing repatriation efforts of Ugandan combatants in the DRC.

Mr. Swing earlier traveled to Mahagi and Kpandroma where 600 and 130 elements of the Ituri Brigade were deployed respectively. In Kpandroma, Mr. Swing held talks with Civil Society, said the Spokesman.

Regarding Ituri, Mr. Touré briefed the press on the UN Brigade's mission to Nyamamba, 20 km North of Tchomia to verify allegations of a regrouping of the UPC/pro-Lubanga-Bosco's wing in order to attack Tchomia. At the end of its mission, the Brigade came under fire by militiamen lying in ambush. « The helicopters protecting MONUC team immediately returned fire and completely destroyed the UPC camp. Apparently militiamen suffered important loses which MONUC is unfortunately not in position to assess», declared the Spokesman. No casualty is reported among the Ituri Brigade troops, he also said. «MONUC shall forcefully retaliate to fully implement its mandate now under chapter 7 of the United Nations Charter, bearing in mind the protection of civilians», he declared, in the strongest terms, before adding: « we will refrain from putting civilian lives in danger».

Another MONUC mission traveled to Kitenge, Katanga province, to verify allegations on the massacre of a hundred people perpetrated by a Maï-Maï faction led by a person known as Chinja Chinja. On the ground, the mission met with eyewitnesses, survivors, and local authorities. It has been established that approximately thirty people were killed in the vicinity of Kitenge. But the mission, which could not visit the whole territory due for security reasons, reported that there were probably more victims, added the Spokesman.

MONUC Human Rights Officer, Marcella Favretto said, « it is extremely outrageous and unacceptable that at this stage of the Transition, acts of killing, rape, mutilations and tortures continue to be perpetrated ». MONUC sounds the alarm. It warns against reprisals on civilians accused of being in contact with Maï-Maï groups. It has initiated talks with the Kitenge-based army so that all its activities will comply with the law and constitution, he stressed. «MONUC commits itself to following up the situation closely and exploring every avenue in order to stop the violence in the region», said Ms. Favretto.

The Spokesman finally condemned the recent obstruction of MONUC missions in Gbadolite by a liaison officer declaring himself member of the Movement for the Liberation of Congo (MLC); MONUC was denied access to aircrafts that landed on Gbadolite airport on 21 and 23 February. « This is unacceptable and unjustifiable and is even a violation of the articles 15 and 19 of the resolution 1493 of 28 July 2003 calling on all the parties to allow MONUC free access to sites during its missions. Contacts with MLC leaders are ongoing to make sure that this does not happen again», concluded Mr. Touré.