MONUC's Chief hails Government Agreement on Provincial Administration

3 Mar 2009

MONUC's Chief hails Government Agreement on Provincial Administration

The head of the United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, William Lacy Swing, described as ''a step forward'', the agreement reached by the Congolese Transitional Government Tuesday, on the putting in place of the Provincial Administration, reported MONUC Spokesman, Hamadoun Touré, this Wednesday during the UN Mission's weekly news conference.
Mr. Swing also welcomed the appointment of a team tasked with the coordination of the Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) programme of the Congolese armed groups, indicated the Spokesman.

Mr. Touré further announced that the head of MONUC was due to leave Kinshasa on Thursday, 25 March, for Bujumbura, Burundi, to meet with Burundian authorities. The visit is part of his regular contact with regional leaders who have a role to play in the DRC peace process, added the Spokesman.

Referring to the security situation in Ituri, Mr. Touré declared that calm was gradually returning in the district, owing to the efforts made by the Ituri Brigade. Thanks to this return to normality, the 6,000 people who fled Fataki, Kasenyi and Tchomia districts, are now preparing to leave Bunia to return home. "The returnees give credit to MONUC's activities. This is a tangible result of the mission's work'', indicated the Spokesman, indirectly responding to an allegation according to which MONUC committed barbaric acts against civilians in Ituri. Mr. Touré reiterated once again that MONUC should never fail in its duty of protecting the populations and their properties.

MONUC's Spokesman also updated the press on the disarmament, demobilisation, repatriation, resettlement and reintegration (DDRRR) of foreign-armed groups. As of 23 March, MONUC repatriated 9,775 Rwandan, Ugandan and Burundian ex-combatants, including their dependents.