Press Review 28 of July 2005

10 Mar 2009

Press Review 28 of July 2005

Today's papers focus on the continued registration operations of voters in the Eastern province of DRC and MONUC weekly news conference.
The headlines in L'Avenir read: '28,754 people have been registered in Bas Congo and the Eastern provinces in two days.' '16,540 people got registered in Bas Congo whilst 12,214 people were registered in Eastern province.' L'Avenir says, 'The operations were successful,' and quotes the 2nd Vice-President of the Electoral Commission (CEI in French acronym) as declaring, 'CEI has thanked MONUC for providing them with air facility to carry the electoral kits to those provinces.'

Referring to the same figure, 'over 28,000 voters registered within two days,' L'Observateur reports, 'Cheerful people were turning out in the registrations center where a bishop and Vice-president Abdoulaye Yerodia got registered.' The paper however notes that in Kinshasa, 'political authorities awaited the last day to get registered.'

Referring to the difficulties faced on the ground, Le Phare reports, 'Deployment of equipment and staff came under serious troubles, that is, the influence of negative forces,' echoing a 2nd CEI Vice President's statement.

Concerning the electoral process, Le Potentiel reveals, 'Joseph Kabila is blocking the basic electoral laws, and further indicates, Congolese authorities are just carried away by the success of the electoral process and as a result, have forgotten that the legal framework that would precondition the successful holding of credible elections has not been completed yet.' Le Potentiel therefore concludes, 'the electoral timing risks being seriously undermined.'

On another subject, La Tempête des Tropiques points out, 'MONUC reiterates its appeals to the DRC Government,' in respect of the military wages. 'What if MONUC were tasked with the role of paying FARDC's wages,' the paper wonders. 'MONUC cannot play the role of paymaster. DRC Congo is a sovereign State and is not under the UN administration' echoing MONUC Spokesman, Mr. Kemal Saiki.

For its part, Le Palmarès reports, 'MONUC has banged the table,' by asking the Government to 'speed up the reassignment of the new commander of 10th military region to his new post.'

About the UN Mission in Congo, Le Potentiel reports, 'It has been called upon to track down foreign militiamen in North Kivu.' The paper reports, 'Security situation in this province was at the center of talk between MONUC chief, Mr. William Swing and North Kivu Governor,' and further indicates, 'Rwandan Hutu rebels' threat is real,' quoting North Kivu Governor.