Press Review of 10th August 2005

10 Mar 2009

Press Review of 10th August 2005

Almost all the local papers focus on the UN Security Council's recent report.
The headlines in La Tempête des Tropiques read: 'Kofi Annan Saddened by DRC's Situation.' Commenting the UN report, the paper says, 'UN Secretary-General is globally dissatisfied with the ongoing political situation in DRC' because 'the negotiations between PPRD (Parti pour la Reconstruction et le Développement led by President Kabila's party) and UDPS led by Etienne Tshisekedi over the integration of UDPS senior members into the Transition's institutions were unsuccessful.'

Le Potentiel reports the same and indicates, 'UN Secretary-General is greatly concerned.' According to the paper, 'Kofi Annan issued warnings to PPRD, UDPS and the Government.' Le Potentiel further reports, 'UN Secretary-General is saddened by PPRD and UDPS refusal to sign a code of conduct for the electoral period.'

Meanwhile, L'Observateur says, 'UN Secretary-General called on the Congolese government to draw up an emergency plan for the restoration of peace in North and South Kivu provinces.' The paper is of the view that 'another type of Artemis operations would be desirable in the Kivus to safeguard the electoral process.'

Referring to insecurity in the Kivus, Le Phare headlines: 'Bongo and Sassou are ready to deploy troops in DRC.' According to this daily, Congo and Gabon have been working a plan of intervention in DRC to back South Africa in tracking down FDLR elements. 'The plan allows for the backing of FARDC troops by Congolese, Gabon's and South African troops.' The paper further says, 'coupled with this contribution, President Mbeki plans to contribute to MONUC logistics.'

La Tempête des Tropiques quotes Mr. William Swing as saying that 'FARDC troops' integration is at a standstill.' Le Potentiel, for its part, reports, 'Swing was not clear on the kind of obstruction,' after conferring with the Congolese Defence Minister. Le Potentiel and La Tempête des Tropiques nevertheless quotes Xinhua agency, as referring to 'embezzlement of funds by army officers to the detriment of the troops in the merging centres.'

With regard to an alleged raid by Ugandan troops into DRC, Le Palmarès says, '30 Ugandan troops raided the DRC openly and publicly' and wonders whether 'President Museveni is preparing another attack on DRC;' Le Potentiel refers to '30 Ugandan troops reported in South of Bunia.' La Tempête des Tropiques however speaks of '40 DRC troops of ex-RCD rebel movement that entered Ugandan territory after sustained clashes with the Maï-Maï troops.'.

About the electoral process, Le Palmarès reports, 'UDPS told the population to boycott the electoral process in Kasaï.' The paper further says, 'UDPS denounces an organised cheating and calls to question the CEI's statistics over the number of voters in Mbuji-Mayi and Tshilenge district.' La Référence Plus however reports, 'The populations of Katanga and Kasaï already started rushing to the registration centres.'