Press Review of 11 August 2005

10 Mar 2009

Press Review of 11 August 2005

Today's local newspapers devote their headlines to yesterday's MONUC weekly news conference. Comments abound on the UN Secretary-General's report on the DRCongo and Vice-President Azarias Ruberwa's visit to Uganda.
The headlines in La Tempête des Tropiques read: 'CIAT puts in place a mechanism for the payment of FARDC's wages.' Commenting on MONUC weekly conference, the paper notes, 'Three European experts will participate in the establishment of the mechanism to contribute to the boosting of the moral of the troops supposed to drive the Rwandan Hutu Militias and their allied out.'

Under the headlines, 'the follow up mechanism already set to work' for the payment of FARDC military wages, L'Observateur reports, 'Besides the three European experts, the commission includes the Government and CIAT members.' The paper also refers to the 'embezzlement of funds by FARDC officers to the detriment of troops'as the root cause of the dishonourable comportment blamed on the FARDC troops,' further adding, 'the wage, transport and military equipment issues should be dealt with as a matter of urgency of all Government concerns.'

'MONUC overwhelming report on the tale of the suffering endured by Tshisekedi's supporters,' headlines La Référence Plus, referring to the June 2005 events in Mbuji Mayi. The paper also publishes some excerpts of the report released by the Special Investigation team of MONUC Human Rights Division on the 'summary executions, inhumane treatments, arbitrary arrests, stealing and rapes'.' On the same issue, 'MONUC denounces 96 cases of human rights abuses,' says Le Potentiel, adding that 'the Police and military troops, from Kinshasa took advantage of the lawless situation between 28 June and 02 July to loot shops and houses.'

With respect to Mbuji-Mayi, L'Avenir reports, 'Those opposed to the election, the enemies of the elections (have torched) a registration center; luckily no damage is reported on computers and the electoral operations are proceeding normally.'

Le Palmarès, for its part, reveals, '175 detonators (were) found in a house by Ituri Brigade Pakistani battalion.' Le Palmarès further highlights, 'MONUC intensifies its logistic support to the independent electoral commission.' Quoting the UN Mission's spokesperson, Rachel Eklou-Assogbavi, the paper indicates, 'MONUC already flew 80% of the electoral kits up to the various administrative towns of the Eastern province.'

'Political detainees without trials,' notes Le Potentiel in another development, referring to the UN Secretary-General's recent report. The paper reports that 'MONUC has been facing a number of difficulties to gain access to some 20 political detainees, jailed during the 10 January and 30 June events,'.

Devoting its headline to Vice-President Azarias Ruberwa's visit in Uganda, Le Palmarès, says, 'The objective assigned by Joseph Kabila to Ruberwa is to offer security assurances to Uganda and obtain the same in return'.