Press Review of 19 April 2006

10 Mar 2009

Press Review of 19 April 2006

The chairman of the Commission of the African Union's visit to DRC is the lead story in today's local press.

On the second day of his visit to Kinshasa, Alpha Konaré, chairman of the commission of the African Union keeps conferring with Transition's stakeholders. He "reiterated African Union's determination to back the Congolese people's struggle for transparent and democratic elections," reports L'Observateur.

To be honest, Alpha Konaré's commitment "is an expression of African Union's apprehension to see the DRC political situation derail during or after the elections, due to exclusion of the major and peaceful political party, UDPS led by Etienne Tshisekedi," says Le Phare.

The Chairman of the Commission of the African Union also conferred with UDPS leader. Nothing "leaked out," reports La Tempête des Tropiques. However, several sources indicated that Etienne Tshisekedi "reiterated his refusal to join the Transition process and to participate in the elections," writes L'Observateur.

Yet, "Alpha Konaré's mission will be successful if he secures UDPS participation in the electoral process," says La Tempête des Tropiques. "He will be successful if he gets the Transition's stakeholders to reach a modus vivendi on having the key opposition party to participate in the presidential and legislative elections," says La Tempête des Tropiques.