Press Review of 21 April 2006

10 Mar 2009

Press Review of 21 April 2006

DRC electoral process is once again the lead story in today's local press.
After his three-day visit to Kinshasa, the chairman of the commission of the African Union flew to South Africa. The United Nations Secretary-General for the DRC and other personalities had earlier visited DRC. After this visit, which is an indication that "the die being cast, DRC elections will definitely take place," highlights Le Potentiel. They will be held "before or after 30 June 2006," further says Le Potentiel. "The current confusion within the Independent Electoral Commission will in no way obstruct the elections," says Le Potentiel.

The Independent Electoral Commission has referred the controversial dossier about the date of the launch of the legislative and presidential campaign, calling the latter's attention to the articles 28 and 110 of the electoral law. "The chairman of the Cei and his aids got entangled over this issue," says La Tempête des Tropiques. For La Tempête des Tropiques, "it is within the competence of the Supreme Court to read the law instead of the National Assembly." "CEI has referred to the right institution... ," argues Le Potentiel.

The referral by the Independent Electoral Commission CEI to the National Assembly is read by some political parties as "a vicious attempt to delay the process due on 30 June 2006," highlights Le Potentiel.

The presidential and legislative elections could have taken place in July, more likely on "23 July 2006," believes Le Potentiel.

The Congolese press may boycott the elections, if "they do not receive the fund requested from the Government," reports La Référence Plus. If "the fund is not disbursed by 30 April, the press will launch a three-day boycott of the electoral activities as from 1st May," alerts La Référence Plus. As a reminder, Media Authority previously "solicited US$ four million from Government authorities to enable it to cover the electoral campaign," recalls La Tempête des Tropiques.

Following the statement by the Angolan Consul General in Katanga, "MLC has lodged a complaint against X and called for the establishment of an Independent Investigative Commission," informs Le Phare. The Angolan diplomat "declared having surprised his countrymen living in Katanga province with DRC voter cards...," writes La Référence Plus. La Référence Plus refers to the whole issue as "an attempt by some political leaders to assuage their appetites for the elections and to distort the electoral polls," echoing Jean Pierre Bemba's party.