Press Review 20th May 2005

9 Mar 2009

Press Review 20th May 2005

Today's local press focus on the Mbuji-Mayi events.

The headlines in La Référence Plus read: ' UDPS seat torched yesterday.' The paper reports, 'UDPS seat was torched on Wednesday night,' whilst ' on Tuesday 17 May, UDPS militants torched the PPRD, MLC and RCD/KML's seats.'
Under the headline, ' A spiral of violence in Mbuji-Mayi,' Le Palmarès highlights, 'An official of Kasaï Oriental, escorted by military, personally moved to UDPS seat to order its looting after arresting the combatants guarding it,' echoing Mr. Joseph Mukendi's (UDPS senior member) statement. 'Kasaï oriental Governor, Dominique Kanku accused Etienne Tshisekedi's militants of looting the seat of their own party with a view to pursuing the violence they triggered last Tuesday.'

In this respect, Le Phare headlines, 'Dominique Kanku adds to the flame.' The paper explains, 'the residents of Mbuji-Mayi interviewed point an accusing finger at Governor Dominique Kanku who is of the MLC party. Others openly blame him for torching the UDPS seat.'

La tempête des Tropiques refers to Mbuji-Mayi Governor in its headlines as 'an undesirable person' and reports, ' without FARDC's intervention, the Governor could have been mauled by the crowd.'

Referring to the confusion in Mbuji-Mayi, Le Potentiel writes, 'the heavy confusion risks intensifying the spiral of accusations and counter-accusations that may lead to unpredictable consequences.' The paper warns, ' we must do our best to quiet down the situation in Kasaï oriental before it further deteriorates and undermine the efforts of the National and International Communities that are endeavouring to achieve the transition's objectives.'

In another development, L'Observateur writes, ' William Swing and Paul Kagamé are holding consultations in Kigali' and adds, 'MONUC's chief travelled to Kigali to discuss the repatriation of the number of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda FDLR with President Kagamé and the Rwandan Minister of Foreign Affairs.' L'Observateur further points out, ' Ambassador Swing is accompanied by MONUC Force Commander, General Babacar Gaye.'

L'Avenir, as far as it is concerned, headlines, ' former dignitaries of the Mobutu's regime are bustling about Kagamé.' According to the paper, 'they are planning to launch an attack on Kinshasa in anticipation of the 30 June 2005.'

' 100 bombs and 74 fragmentation rockets uncovered in Gbadolité.' Quoting a MONUC article, Le Palmarès says, 'the engines of war stocked at the airport and in a hotel in Gbadolité represent a direct threat against the population.'