Press Review of 21st June 2005

10 Mar 2009

Press Review of 21st June 2005

MONUC weekly news conference and Debates over Appointment of Managing Directors for the Public Firms are the focus of today's local press.
The headlines in L'Observateur read: 'Thirteen FDLR camps dismantled by MONUC operation Falcon Sweep.' Echoing the UN Mission's mews conference, the paper highlights, 'MONUC keeps its reception centres opened for the Rwandan Hutu combatants who would volunteer to join the DDRRR process.'

La Référence Plus, for its part, reports, 'the military operations conducted by MONUC brigades in collaboration with the FARDC will continue.' The paper further says, 'FDLR militiamen have been effectively flushed out of their positions and some of them even captured,' in the 'operation codenamed Thunderstorm that has engaged 850 troops including 280 FARDC' in South Kivu.

'Kabare and Walungu are no longer under the influence of FDLR,' says Le Phare, quoting MONUC military spokesman, Lieutenant-colonel Thierry Provender as reporting, 'Over 1,000 FDLR combatants have definitely left the region.' Le Phare further reports, 'Pushed back to isolated areas, FDLR combatants may in the long run solicit voluntary and peaceful return to Rwanda.'

Referring to the appointment of Managing Directors for the public firms, Le Palmarès, reveals, 'Z'Ahidi Ngoma, the head of Government social and cultural commission has mislead Joseph Kabila regarding the changes on the political opposition's list; the political opposition submitted two lists to the Head of State to have them harmonised by the Ministry in charge of public firms.'

In this respect, L'Avenir calls on 'RCD to tell the truth,' and recalls, 'RCD condemned Tuesday the obstacles to the appointment of the Managing Directors for the Public Firms.' The paper further reports in its editorial, 'the principle for sharing Government-owned firms is a work of predators. '

Referring to 'a planned electoral fraud,' Le Potentiel quotes RCD's Secretary-General as declaring, 'There is every reason to fear a planned electoral fraud by PPRD (President Kabila's party).'