Press Review 22 July 2005

10 Mar 2009

Press Review 22 July 2005

New Congolese Armed Group created in Uganda and Struggle against Impunity within FARDC are the major subjects broached by today's local press.
The headlines in L'Observateur read: 'Ituri and North Kivu under Threat of new Rebellion.' Referring to a 'destabilization plan against DRC,' alluding to the new Congolese armed group in Kampala, 'Mouvement révolutionnaire congolais/Congolese Revolutionary Movement (MRC).' The paper further says, 'The movement was reportedly created last month in Uganda to defend the rights of the Congolese population in Ituri and North Kivu,' citing Misna Agency's release.

Le Potentiel, for its part, reports, 'the document on the creation of the political and military movement MRC was signed by 15 members,' and further quotes Misna Agency as indicating, 'All those people are wanted by the Attorney in chief of the town of Ituri/Bunia.' Le Potentiel says, 'Ugandan army confirmed that Congolese rebel groups recently visited their country on private business without any collaboration with the Kampala government.'

'Panic in Mbandaka,' Le Potentiel headlines and indicates, 'the province governor revealed that security services in the province found seditious pamphlets from military troops in Mbandaka demanding payment of their new wages with benefits by 25 July'with threats of lootings.' The paper recalls, ' 25 July is next Monday, within three days,' and Government must prove its capacity by protecting civilians in Mbandaka.

In respect of the Congolese armed forces, L'Avenir reports, 'several officers have faced trial and others sentenced.' The paper notes, 'discipline is the very essence of an army,' highlighting that 'all the FARDC troops who failed to comply with it have been punished accordingly under the military code.'

'General Kisempia resumes his struggle against impunity within the FARDC,' Le Potentiel notes, 'With such figures speaking for themselves, there is every reason to support the military hierarchy's action.'

In another development, Le Palmarès reports, 'Congolese Government is humiliated by CIAT.' The paper further comments, 'The creation of a Joint Commission for Governance by the International Community for all the remaining Transition's period implies a loss of sovereignty.' The paper also believes, 'Embezzlement of Civil Servants and Military Troops' wages is the very reason that prompted the creation of such a commission'.