Press Review of 23 March 2006

10 Mar 2009

Press Review of 23 March 2006

President Kabila's candidacy for the presidential election, UN Secretary-General's activities in DRC, and UDPS demonstrations are the major issues in today's local papers.
"President Joseph Kabila dispels lingering suspicions around his candidacy for the presidential elections," writes LA RÉFÉRENCE PLUS, echoing the Head of State's news conference of Wednesday 22 March. For President Kabila, "the elections must bring political stability to the country and its institutions." L'OBSERVATEUR says, "Kabila is candidate for all the Congolese people." LE POTENTIEL, for its part, comments, "Joseph Kabila Heads for a First-Round Victory."

Two female candidates for the presidential elections, "Ms Thérèse Nlandu and Ms. Nlandu," reports LE POTENTIEL.

LE PHARE confirms, "There is no doubt about it: RCD is pulling out from the electoral process, less than 24 hours ahead of the deadline and will not submit the list of its representatives to the presidential or legislative elections," further adding, "RCD says the electoral process is less credible."

LE PHARE writes, "In the presence of Kofi Annan and the dumbfounded CIAT members, political parties and civil society stakeholders strongly criticize William Lacy Swing." They accused the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for the DRC and CIAT of "systematically siding with the parties in power."

Kofi Annan however says, "Elections first," headlines L'OBSERVATEUR. LE POTENTIEL quotes Kofi Annan as recalling the DRC leadership, "Congolese people suffered a lot." "United Nations is there to urge Congolese political players to solve their problems. We encourage them to talk, to lay aside their personal interests in favour of the country's unity and stability," the UN Secretary General told the press.

After meeting the political leaders, Kofi Annan conferred with "President Kabila for the second time," writes L'OBSERVATEUR, adding, "The UN Secretary-General did not make any declaration to the press after almost half an hour talk."

The headlines in LE PHARE read, "Tired of CIAT's Ambiguous Game, UDPS organises another Protest March," alluding to the "peaceful marches organised by UDPS in Kinshasa, Bukavu, Kisangani and Mbuji-Mayi.".