Press Review of 27 March 2006

10 Mar 2009

Press Review of 27 March 2006

DRC electoral process is the lead story in today's local process.

Launched on March 10, the registration operation for candidates to stand for the presidential and legislative runs has been extended until 02 April. Initially, it was slated to end 23 March 2006 at 16h30. Two weeks after the operation was launched, the registration office of the Independent Electoral Commission registered "43 candidates for the presidential elections, including 6 ladies," reports L'Observateur. However, "of the 43 candidates to run for the presidential elections, 6 did not pay the non-refundable registration amount, 22 million Congolese francs required," adds L'Observateur.

"The run-up for the presidential elections has been launched," considers Le Potentiel. Candidates have started "refining their electoral strategies, and showing legitimate political ambitions," notes Le Potentiel.

Antoine Gizenga, candidate for the presidential run "finally decided to pay his registration fees" whilst "RCD opted for standing for the polls at all levels," indicates L'Avenir. Having made such a decision, RCD "has come to the rescue of the electoral process" considers Le Phare. "Azarias Ruberwa has clearly complied with the recommendations made by International Community's representatives while visiting Kinshasa," says Le Phare. By returning to "a better frame of mind, RCD has not placed its own political profits over national interest, not even those of its members, native of the disputed territories and entities," highlights Le Phare.

"The ball is now in the court of President Kabila who must prove that he is a peacemaker by sorting out the (Minembwe, Bunyakiri, Buzi and Kasha) issues," adds Le Potentiel, echoing RCD leader, Azarias Ruberwa's statement.

By joining the electoral process "Palu and RCD have differentiated themselves from UDPS which still gives no signal of his willingness to run for the elections," notes L'Avenir.

In other news, the chairman of the African Union has dispatched to Kinshasa a delegation to "re-launch talks with Etienne Tshisekedi," indicates Le Phare. Moreover, DRC Minister of Foreign Affairs conferred with UDPS leader "over the all-inclusive electoral process," further says Le Potentiel.