Press Review of 2nd November 2006

10 Mar 2009

Press Review of 2nd November 2006

The top story in today's local paper in Kinshasa is the last Sunday presidential runoff.
Ballots are now being compiled at 62 liaison centres, says Le Palmarès, indicating, "Contenders' camps are also doing their own compilation of results." As a result, "false results are already out, "further says the paper, referring to it as "a dangerous game," quoting Father Malu Malu, the head of the Independent Electoral Commission, in the French acronym CEI.

"Congolese people want to be regularly posted, defying Father Malu Malu's threats," says La Tempête des Tropiques. There are even "more speculations about the results in the electoral strongholds of both contestants," says the paper.

Le Potentiel says, "President Joseph Kabila and Vice-President Jean-Pierre Bemba Neck and Neck according to the early partial results in the hands of the national and international observers since both contenders have scored more votes on each other's camp – Joseph Kabila has won voters in Kinshasa said to be more favourable to Vice-President Jean-Pierre Bemba whilst the latter has won voters in some parts of Eastern DRC and Bandundu."

The Alliance pour la Majorité présidentielle, AMP, which is President Kabila's platform, "has failed to impose himself in Bandundu, the electoral stronghold of PALU, led by Antoine Gizenga, Joseph Kabila's ally," writes Le Potentiel.

"Votes from the first presidential election have not been automatically transferred to parties as many people believed, on the basis of arithmetic calculation..." echoing the head of the European Union's Mission.

"Congolese people are uncertain as to who will win the presidential runoff, Kabila or Bemba?" wonders Le Phare.