Press Review of 3rd November 2006

10 Mar 2009

Press Review of 3rd November 2006

The top story in today's local press is the compilation of the results of the presidential runoff.
The compilation "is proceeding normally," reports L'Observateur, indicating, "The Independent Electoral Commission CEI in French acronym, the only authority to publish the outcome of the polls in DRC, has compiled results from 9084 polling stations, say, 18.2%."
"Political parties are therefore not allowed to extrapolate from the results posted in voting centres nor declare a candidate winner before results are officially published by CEI."

Le Palmarès recalls that both presidential candidates "agreed not to publish the results until they are officially published by CEI."

The Independent Electoral Commission has now to "play its role in all transparency up to fruition and discharge its assignment within the time limit allotted," says Le Potentiel. Congolese people want to "definitely turn the page of the presidential elections and have their president," informs Le Potentiel.

One more week for "President Kabila and Vice-President Bemba to prove they can keep their commitments," says Le Potentiel, indicating, "There is strong fear that all the commitments are just meant to calm down Congolese people momentarily and destined for external consumption and are therefore not likely to abide by." The paper wonders "what will happen if all the agreements are violated?"

La Tempête des Tropiques says EUFOR, European Force in DR Congo, "will not tolerate that violence be used to contest the presidential results." This is actually "a warning against either of the candidate who would attempt to use force once declared the loser by CEI...," concludes the paper.