Press Review of 2nd October 2007

11 Mar 2009

Press Review of 2nd October 2007

Today's local papers mainly deal with the meeting between the chiefs of Army staff of Rwanda, Burundi, DRC and Uganda.
The meeting is being held "behind closed doors in Lubumbashi," reports Le Palmarès.

Le Potentiel says "...the purpose of the meeting was to work out a military strategy against the active armed groups operating in the region, notably eastern DRC."

Le Palmarès further explains, "The meeting was also to peruse the joint military operations likely to dismantle the negative forces still active in the sub-region."

Le Phare as far as concerned reports, "N'Kunda's issue was as well to be discussed by the meeting," recalling, "Lubumbashi meeting comes after the two previous ones held respectively in Kigali and Kampala."

"Senator Jean-Pierre Bemba was invited to Washington by a Black Caucus, the black representatives' committee to the American congress," reveals Le Palmarès, indicating, "MLC leader flew to New York to meet with the UN Deputy Secretary General, Jean-Marie Guehenno and increase the UN awareness of the current problems facing the DRC and to denounce Kinshasa's attempt to force him into exile."

In other news, La Tempête des Tropiques reports, "President Kabila has initiated consultations for an imminent Cabinet reshuffle."