Press Review

6 Mar 2009

Press Review

The incident which occurred during the return of Etienne Tshisekedi, leader of the 'Union pour la Démocratie et le Progrès Social (UDPS)' to Kinshasa is the major news in today's local press in Kinshasa.
Incredible: Tshisekedi's return marred by incidents, writes L'AVENIR. « Like in a jungle, UDPS supporters have attacked the chairman of the Parliament, Olivier Kamitatu. Were they authorized to indulge in such a breach of the peace, people wonder' Who will account for such a drift' », the paper also wonders.

L'OBSERVATEUR titles, UDPS supporters threw stones at Olivier Kamitatu's escort in Limete district yesterday. « UDPS supporters damaged the chairman of the Parliament's car as well as the ones of his escort. They also hurled insults and levelled threats at Mr. Olivier. Reacting to this situation, the office of the National Assembly has published a communiqué condemning such acts of violence perpetrated against the members of the National Assembly». Echoing Etienne Tshisekedi's address to the crowd, the paper indicates: «The UDPS leader sharply criticised the ongoing proceedings on nationality that currently heads the field in the Parliament. UDPS leader declared that the proceedings on nationality are unfounded since it was definitely settled by the Inter Congolese Talks held in Sun City, South Africa». UDPS leader called on the population « to be twice as vigilant and to demand free and democratic elections»

LE POTENTIEL refers to a human tide welcoming the UDPS national leader and writes Tshisekedi has confirmed his candidacy in the presidential elections». When addressing the huge crowd gathered at the party's headquarters, Etienne Tshisekedi declared: « I approve your choice of the national leader to rule this country. This is a proof that after the 24-year struggle, you have understood the need to establish a democratic regime in which the people would be the sole reigning sovereign and the politicians would be the servants».

LE PHARE also refers to the same human tide welcoming the national leader and indicates «a huge, endless and indescribable human tide welcomed the UDPS national leader Wednesday when returning from his trip to the USA». Commenting on the trip, the paper says « what is striking about his trip to Boston is that white people have begun respecting him. The same white people who used to witness the Congo events with passiveness, as if nothing was happening. They have understood the man whom they now hold in high esteem». Alluding to the attack on Olivier Kamitatu's escort, the paper reports injured people and several damages.

On the same subject, LA REFERENCE PLUS writes, Tshisekedi, the new trump card against Joseph Kabila and Jean-Pierre Bemba, after his visit to the USA,. «The next opinion polls will certainly reflect the incidence caused by the return of the famous man of Limete. The long standing opponent would then have an alibi to assume political duties in DRC» the paper further says. La Référence Plus also goes over the incident, and titles Olivier Kamitatu attacked by UDPS supporters. « The incident was condemned by several MPs who stressed that at this stage when all hopes are turned to the transitional institutions, such events should be avoided otherwise the transitional process would be blocked».

For LE PALMARES the parliament nearly shattered, Olivier Kamitatu escaped death yesterday. « The chairman of the Parliament was the victim of an act of violence, his car windshield were broken' », the paper says, wondering: « why did the protocol let his escort drive through Limete when the danger was obvious» Le Palmarès Tshisekedi's triumphant return like in a film.

LA TEMPETE DES TROPIQUES refers to Tshisekedi's warning to the transitional institutions. « For the UDPS national leader, the transitional period must not be extended».